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Confirmed our Burke line from Jasper Pound, Doora starting 1700's through 1825+. Understand JP origin by way of John Jan Jasper and daughter Margaret Penn  Jasper. And find JP name on 1700's Grand Jury Map and 1842 Ordinance Map; school in Jasper's Pound 1824; and Tithe reports. Find Jasper Pound was a Sub-Townland of Deerpark Townland. I seek the actual geographic boundaries of Jasper Pound starting at Deerpark boundary south to Jasper's Bridge touching Clareabbey - Quin parish boundaries; looking east and west within Doora boundaries. Where does Jasper Pound start and end. Are boundaries absolute Doora parish boundaries? or extend into Clareabbey / Quin. Question: is Doora parish the absolute boundary re: Jasper Pound during above periods? Reviewed many doc's cannot uncover actual JP geography. Connected to this question is John Jan Baptiste Jasper birth 1602 and death 1692 location. All records state born and died in "Ballycase, Claire., Ireland - he operated Jasper Toll Bridge in Jasper Pound during his lifetime. Did / does "Ballycase" exist ? close / in JP?  Was / is there an actual community identified as Jasper Pound within Jasper Pound Townland? Thanks for any help be it in part or whole re: questions.

Tuesday 6th Aug 2013, 06:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone from the area is able to clarify this for you. In the meantime, it may be an idea to get in contact with the local studies department of Clare COunty Library, they may be able to assist you with this. Here is  link to their webpage:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 12th Aug 2013, 12:15PM

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