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I am tracing my great-grandmother's family, Jenny Boyce  was born in Multyfarnham in 1865 to Jane Ray and James Boyce.  She had many siblings, some of which emigrated to the US.  Her siblings were:

This is what I know -

Ballinalck is a village in the Civil and Roman Catholic Parish of Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath.  An examination was made of the Baptismal Register for the RC Parish of Multyfarnham from the beginning of 1848 until the end of 1873 (source: NLI., Pos. 4168).  During the periods of this search we noted the Baptismal Records for the following children issuing from the marriage of James Boyce and Jane Ray:



Baptised on 21st March 1852, Bridget, the daughter of James Boyce & Jane Ray.  Michael Plunkett & Bridget More stood as Bridget's sponsors.


Baptised on 14th August 1853, William, the son of James Boyce & Jane Ray.  James E? & Mary Quinn stood as William's sponsors.


Baptised on 8th April 1855, John, the son of James Boyse & Jane Ray.  William Skelly & Mary Ray stood as John's sponsors.


Baptised on 20th December 1857, James, the son of James Boce [sic] & Jane Ray.  James Cowen & Maria Ray stood as James' sponsors.


Baptised on 13th February 1860, Mary, the daughter of James Boyce & Jane Ray.  Pat Boyce & Mary Maguire stood as Mary's sponsors.


Baptised on 17th March 1862, Jane, the daughter of James Boyce & Jane Brady [sic].  Bridget McLoughlin stood as Jane's sponsor.


Baptised on 23rd December 1865, Anne, the daughter of James Boyce & Jane Ray.  Peter Kane & Mary Lynch stood as Anne's sponsors.


Baptised on 1st February 1867, Michael, the son of James Boyce & Jane Ray.  Thomas Flood & Bridget Boyce stood as Michael's sponsors.


It is possible that the family left this parish after 1867, when Michael was born, and that Jennie M. Boyce was born and baptised elsewhere.


Mary Ray, Pat Boyce and Bridget Boyce, who were sponsors at the baptisms, were likely the siblings of James Boyce and Jane Ray.


A search of Griffith’s Valuation for Co. Westmeath has identified a number of Boyce land holdings, largely located in the civil parish of Rathaspick but also in the parishes of Leny, Templeoran and Templepatrick.  It is likely that one of the men recorded in Griffith’s Valuation was the father of James Boyce.  Once we have established the Boyce family address we may be able to connect James with one of these households.

There were also a small number of Ray households in Co. Westmeath..  It is likely that Jane originated in one of the Ray households and if we can locate a record of her marriage to James Boyce, we may be able to determine the land holding where she originated.  Marriages usually took place in the parish of the bride, the parish in which she married James Boyce would indicate her parish of birth.

I would like to know how I could get a picture of the house where James Boyce lived in Ballinalack - the info I have says his house was #26 in the village of Ballinalack.  How would you find that now?

The townland of Ballinalack is in the Civil Parish of Leny.  Griffith's Valuation of Ireland was completed and published for the Civil Parish of Leny on 6th December 1854.  At this time there was only one rated occupier in the parish named Boyce, namely James Boyce who was leasing a farmstead in the townland of Ballinalack.


It is possible that this James Boyce was the father of James Boyce.  It is also possible that this James Boyce was the husband of Jane Ray.  James Boyce leased a small house at number 26 in the village of Ballinalack from William Wilson.  It is consistent with a shoemaker that he leased a small house rather than a land holding.  James Boyce most likely carried out his trade from this house.

Thanks for any light you can shed on any of this!  I went to Ireland in a few weeks ago, and didn't have much time to dig, so I will have to return there to continue to find them!






Thursday 1st Aug 2013, 03:13AM

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  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! 

    Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 04:18PM
  • Hello again, 

    My husband and I went to the abandoned church in Ballinalack where we are thinking that James is buried.   The cemetery there and in Leny (there were two) were so overgrown, the weeds were as tall as myself!   The stones are not in good condition and we couldn't get to them due to the thicket around them.  Needless to say it was a shame that it had gotten so overgrown.

    The church there was abandoned, and there were trees growing in the middle of it as well.

     I will keep looking, but came to a dead end there in the Multyfarnham area, which I loved!

    I will go back again, would love to find the relatives.  Still no hint of a marriage record for Jane Ray and James Boyce.




    Saturday 21st Jan 2017, 10:25AM
  • No Susan, as you say there doesn't seem to be a marriage record available, certainly not on 

    Have you considered adding your ancestors' details to our XO Chronicles - this might be another avenue for others to see what you are researching. You can learn more HERE

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 23rd Jan 2017, 10:47AM

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