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I'm trying to gather as much information as possible on my G'Mother Winifred Fahey b.27/10/1887 Ballyquirke Parish Terryglass. She married Thomas Doherty from Coolacussane on 12/08/1914 in the Church of Lorrha. Witness's at the wedding were Michael Lavelle and Bridget Nevin. Winifred's Dad was Patrick and her Mother Catherine (nee Meara). Winifred's brothers were, Michael b.1875, John b.1883, Joseph b.1892, and James b.1893. James was known to us as Uncle Jim and he emigrated to the U.S. and owned a number of bars there. Winifreds sisters were Kathleen b1890, Bridget b.1896 and Margaret b1898.

The Fahey's are listed in the 1901 census as living in house 20 Ballyquirke, Lorrha West and in the 1911 as living in house 9. Any information would be a big help in putting my family tree together.

Thanks in advance.

Gerry Doherty

Thursday 25th Jul 2013, 09:20AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Gerry,

    Thank you very much for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to assist or advise you.

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support




    Monday 29th Jul 2013, 09:34AM

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