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I have just turned 70 years old and have lived in Adelaide Australia since 1968. My Paternal grandmother was Elizabeth Polley born in Cloughey in 1886. Her parents were James Polly and Margaret Adair. I have family buried at Ardkeen Church. I cannot trace back beyond these two names of my great grand parents. James was drowned at sea he was master of the Loch Long that went down at the Bar Mouth. I think Margaret died before him leaving my grandmother to rear the family the yougest of whom was about 7.

My grandmother Elizabeth married William (Willie) Porter. Willies brother Walker used to rent a cottage for holidays at Tullytrammen.

I spent every summer of my childhood in Calhame Cloughey. My granparents rented(by the year) a wee (holiday) cottage up Calhame Lane as it was then. Wonderful memories - I remember it all like it was yesterday. Later my grannies sister Catherine (Cass or Cassie) built a holiday bungalow on the Quarter Road . Her husband was Harry Mc illhagga - someone may remember them.

We also had relatives in Portavogie. One name I remember was Warnock and I think it was him that had a fishing boat. My Dads cousin Maureen married a Billy Ambrose from Poratavogie and my Dads brother Jackie an Agnes Coffey from there also.

My childhood friend was a Ruthleen Palmer. I would love to know about her.

Can anyone can help me to trace back my ancestors - or does anyone share my memories.


Margaret Parker






Sunday 14th Jul 2013, 12:13AM

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