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I am researching information on the Daly's (and other related families) in Whitechurch, Cork, Ireland.

My wife's g-g-grandparents were Patrick Daly who married Ellen McDonnell.

Patrick Daly was born abt 1834 in Whitechurch, Cork.
Ellen McDonnell was born abt 1839 in Whitechurch, Cork.

Patrick Daly and Ellen McDonnell were married in Whitechurch, Cork, Ireland on 15 February 1858 according to their daughter Anne's birth certificate, on which her mother Ellen was informant so this date and place should be correct.

Patrick was a farmer. Patrick and Ellen emigrated to Australia in 1868 with the two youngest children (Carl and Ellen) of their then five children. In 1870 the other three older children (Mary, Hanora, and Julia) came out to Australia, and we assume must have been accompanied by a Margaret Spillane and her children, as far as we know.

We also know Patrick's parents were Carl Daly and Mary Creedon and according to Patrick's death certificate Carl Daly was a farmer in Whitechurch, Cork also.

Ellen McDonnell's parents are listed as Terence McDonnell and Mary Walsh (or Welsh, Welch). The McDonnell we have found on some records to be McDonald but favours McDonnell more so. Ellen's father's occupation is not known.

We do know Catherine Spillane married John Daly here in Victoria, Australia, and there must have been some connection to our Patrick Daly, as they lived in the same community here.  This John Daly and Catherine Spillane were both from County Cork.

John's father was also a Patrick Daly (born abt  1796) from Whitechurch, Cork, and his mother Hanora Walsh. On John's father Patrick's death certifcate his father is Bernard (spelt Benard) and he was also a farmer in Whitechurch, Cork.

On John's marriage his witnesses are brother and sister Maurice and Margaret Daly. Have the probate for this Maurice Daly. At the time he wrote his will in 1894 his parents were Dennis (deceased) and Catherine Daly from Whitechurch. Maurice also had a brother back in Whitechurch whose name was Dennis and also a farmer. Maurice and his two sisters Margaret and Catherine lived and died in Australia. Maurice also left money to Ellen Daly (nee McDonnell), so perhaps he is related to our Patrick Daly (b abt 1834).

Maurice Daly's will transcribed in part: "I give and bequeath unto my brother Dennis Daly farmer of Whitechurch, County Cork, Ireland, one third (1/3rd) of the net proceeds of my whole estate (real and personal); to my mother Catherine Daly relict of the late Dennis Daly of Whitechurch, County Cork, Ireland, should she survive me the sum of one hundred pounds stl (£100); to Ellen Daly wife of Patrick Daly, farmer in the parish of Neereman, Victoria, the sum of twenty pounds stl (£20); to my sister Catherine Kelly, wife of Bernard Kelly of Cheltenham, Victoria and my sister Margaret Sherry, wife of John Sherry of Albury, New South Wales, the residue of my estate if any in fair and equal shares."

Any information on Daly, McDonnell, Spillane, Walsh, Creedon families in Whitechurch, Cork or surrounding area greatly appreciated.

As we live in Australia we are unable to visit the Whitechurch cemetery, so any information re the cemetery records of these families there would also be appreciated.


Wednesday 10th Jul 2013, 08:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message.

    I've forwarded your request to a volunteer in County Cork who may be able to offer a bit of advice or assistance.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy support


    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 12:01PM
  • Hi Trevor,

    Great to see you have found so much information already must not have been an easy task

    Did you also have a look in the Griffiths Valuation records for Whitechurch ? I can see some more Daly's there

    Whitechurch only has one cemetery ''the Whitechurch cemetery'' unfortunately there are no records available online other then Matthew Falveys recorded headstones, you can try it as I see many other names when you look at the pictures themself or contact Matthew as he has Daly's in his genealogical database

    I am not sure if you are on Facebook but if you are please feel free to post a request on our page there as there are many local people who might be able to help find you more information. Mallow is not too far from Whitechurch and a lot of Mallow people have Whitechurch ancestors, Here is the link to the Facebook page…

    Hope this helps


    Mallow Cork

    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 12:22PM
  • Hi Annemarie,

    Thankyou for your quick response and advice. I did have a look at the Valuations, but it is hard to say who's who without ages or spouses with them.

    I also looked through Matthew Falvey's site the other day, and the headstones, but no joy there. I will contact him and ask what he knows of the Daly's he has, and if he knows more of the Whitechurch area.

    Thanks for the Facebook link. I will check that out also. This will be a good site for many Irish history hunters in the future. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks again


    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 01:52PM

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