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Found your post interesting:.  My Gr G'father was Edward Quinn born in limerick ( somewhere) in 1822 He came to Ontario Canada in 1846 with four other brothers. James,  Patrick, Michael and William (or Vernon) 

in 187 he was married in  Oshawa Ontario and in 1848 had a son John born and baptized with  sponsors named Jerrimiah Quinn and Margarite Whelan, The Canadian census for 1852 lists a Patrick Quinn and sons, one of whom was Jerimiah. Maybe we have a connection. I have all the info on my Edward Quinn but am liiking for his home Parish and perhaps a birth certificate. How can we help one another???  James Quinn


Friday 28th Jun 2013, 03:09AM

Message Board Replies

  • Jimmy:

    I'm not sure that Lisa Kosloski will see your post. Click on her May 10th message and post a comment to her message. There is already one comment there.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 06:10PM
  • It does seem like we might have a connection!  Patrick Quinn and Margaret Whalen were already married when they came to Canada so it seems odd that she would use her maiden name but not sure of customs at the time.  Patrick's son James married Mary Lynett at St. Gregory's Mission in Ontario in 1853 so this is looking like the timing is about right. Where did you find your baptismal record -

    I have my family tree on - do you have anything there?  I am stuck when it comes to finding info in Ireland.  Someone heard it was Ballylanders but I don't know if that is a fact...a distant cousin said she tried to find info in Ballylanders but was told there were no records.

    Friday 5th Jul 2013, 04:39PM
  • It does seem like we might have a connection!  Patrick Quinn and Margaret Whalen were already married when they came to Canada so it seems odd that she would use her maiden name but not sure of customs at the time.  Patrick's son James married Mary Lynett at St. Gregory's Mission in Ontario in 1853 so this is looking like the timing is about right. Where did you find your baptismal record -

    I have my family tree on - do you have anything there?  I am stuck when it comes to finding info in Ireland.  Someone heard it was Ballylanders but I don't know if that is a fact...a distant cousin said she tried to find info in Ballylanders but was told there were no records.

    Friday 5th Jul 2013, 04:40PM
  • Hi : I found the baptismal record for John Quinn in the Catholic Church records of the Dioceses of Toronto Archives.  T he record in question  came from the church records of St. Gregory  the Great Mission in Oshawa Ontario. in case you do not know, Oshawa is 25 0r so miles east of Toronto situated on lake Ontario in what was at that time Ontario County but now known as Durham Region.

    i also found the following tidbits: James Quinn married Mary Lynett December 11th 1853

                                                             Margaret Quin wqs batized Jan 14th 1862, father James Quinn                                                             mother, Mary  Lynett , Ontario County, Brock Township

                                                              Mary Quinn age 1 was batized 1861 father James Quinn, Brock Township

                                                              aso a Patrick Quinn baptized March 17th and Thomas  aged 2                                                          parents were James Quinn and Mary Lynett

                                                            Feb 21st baptized Thomas born 24th decmber 1845 of Michael Neil

                                                             and Ann farrel ( Sprs Edward Quinn and Ann Nugent

                                                            I could send you a link to the Ontario census for 1852 , I'll see if I can find it.

                                                            in 1848 Ontario was known as canada west with a population of

                                                             725, 870 and 119, 061 families. Somewhere in their are "our' Quinn's                                 




    Saturday 6th Jul 2013, 03:54AM
  • Hi James,

    Thanks for the information!  I do have some of the baptismal info thanks to someone I found on an ancestry website.  I just recently found on some of the images from St. Gregory for my family.  I think I saw your Edward but it was written as "Queen"... The baptismal records are from St. Joseph's in Beaverton but I have been having a hard time finding the church records after they moved to Bruce.

    The Patrick born March 17 to James and Mary was my great-grandfather.  James and Mary moved to the thumb area of Michigan in the lates 1800's but 2 of their children Mary and Ellen married and stayed in Canada.  I made contact with one of Ellen's descendants who lives in Oshawa area.

    Do you live in Canada? I live in the Detroit area of Michigan.

    I wanted to mention that I went on and entered what you told me about your Edward and I see that there are many family trees out there for an Edward Quinn born in 1822 who married a Bridget Pardy - is that your Edward? I have access to the 1852 Census through and think I found my Quinns on it - although my great-grandfather seems to have moved on his own and there is another child (Patrick) living with Patrick and Margaret but the other two children Jeremiah and Catherine match...

    Feel free to email me or you can reply to this...




    Saturday 6th Jul 2013, 04:21PM
  • Thank you very much for the Adet Gecikmesi excellent and useful subject YouTube .

    Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 05:44PM

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