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Can anyone tell me are the RC church records available to view locally?




Monday 24th Jun 2013, 10:01PM

Message Board Replies


    The parish records appear to start in 1808. The originals should be held locally, and this link will tell you where other copies are held:

    You can try contacting the parish priest for permission to access the originals. (Do not turn up without an appointment. Many are very busy and not all have the time to assist with genealogical enquiries.)

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 24th Jun 2013, 10:39PM
  • Would the records if held locally be in one place or would each church have it's own set? Where would I get parish priest contact details?




    Tuesday 25th Jun 2013, 08:30PM



    There was usually a set of records for each church. However they are not necessarily kept in the church today. In my local RC parish, there are 3 churches and 3 sets of baptism and marriage records. However they are all stored in a safe in the parochial house for safe keeping, not at the churches themselves..

    Here?s a link to the Knockainey parish website:…




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 26th Jun 2013, 09:45PM

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