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I am trying to find out where my ancestors lived in Ireland and any info on them before they came to Canada. Patrick Evans b. c 1770 Tipperary, Ireland married Mary Minnet born about same time and place. Son named Patrick Evans b c 1789 Tipperary, Ireland mmigrated to Chatham/Miramachi, Canada  married 7 Sep 1824 St. Michael's Church,, chathamCanada  to Mary Ellen Flemming b 1822 from Tipperary, Ireland. They had a son John Evans b. Sep 1825, married 23 Nov 1825 to Johanna Gaines/Gaynes etc. She died 7 Aug 1886 in Moncton. HELP PLEASE. Any info very welcomed.

I would love to have information on:  PATRICK EVANS  who was married to MARY MINNET & MARY ELLEN FLEMMING, all from Tipperary, Ireland.  I don't know anything about them at all. 

Monday 24th Jun 2013, 01:59PM

Message Board Replies

  • I attach some backround re tithes 1825, griffith 1850 of evans / minnets in North Tipperary. As a genealogist I can do more indept searches if you so wish. Seamus Fox email:

    Mitchelstown1 Cork

    Thursday 27th Jun 2013, 03:54PM

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