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I am searching for the home parish and relatives of Laughlin Campion, born in 1826 and who emigrated from Ireland in 1848 leaving for the UnitedStates. His brother Edward was born in 1816 and emigrated  in1846. Laughlin(lot) was single when he left Ireland. He joined his brother in Kane county, Illinois and the moved to the Territory of Minnesota in 1855 or 1856.

Wednesday 19th Jun 2013, 03:12AM

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  • I don't profess to be any authority on this. I,like you, am researching family in Laois.  In Coolrain which I believe is in the parish of Borris in Ossory there are numerous Campions. Part of my family are from Coolrain and were friends with Campion family. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable out there can correct me if I'm wrong.

    I have just noticed the name Kyle in your message. If this is a place you believe to be associated with your family then ignore all the above.



    Thursday 20th Jun 2013, 06:05AM

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