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  I am looking for information on the family of my great great grandfather James Burke.  James immigrated to Brooklyn NY in 1875 and married Magaret Cassidy of Roscommon.  I have letters mentioning a brother by the name of Martin Edward Burke possibly and a cousin by the name of Delia.   I will be traveling to Ireland next month and would love to have information regarding my ancestors to share with my children on our trip.  I appreciate any information that anyone can pass along!

Sunday 16th Jun 2013, 11:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi:


    Many thanks for your query.  I can take a look for you with regard to James Burke. Do you have his parents' names?  If so, that would be a great help, as well as a birthdate.   What dates will you be in Ireland?  We can arrange to meet you and possibly show you a home place or headstone if they exist?  Please let me know either through the message board or through email at


    In the meantime, you can also try searching through the Clare County Library website at  They have a lot of very useful resources and might be of interest to you. 


    If you find a birthdaate or parents' names, I will be able to make a more thorough search in our local register here.


    Many thanks for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out.  If you have not already joined the web page, please do so.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 07:12PM
  • Hi:


    Many thanks for your query.  I can take a look for you with regard to James Burke. Do you have his parents' names?  If so, that would be a great help, as well as a birthdate.   What dates will you be in Ireland?  We can arrange to meet you and possibly show you a home place or headstone if they exist?  Please let me know either through the message board or through email at


    In the meantime, you can also try searching through the Clare County Library website at  They have a lot of very useful resources and might be of interest to you. 


    If you find a birthdaate or parents' names, I will be able to make a more thorough search in our local register here.


    Many thanks for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out.  If you have not already joined the web page, please do so.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 07:15PM
  • Hi Jane

      I believe that James was born in 1852, and that his mothers name may have been Margaret.  Thank you so much for your help.  We are going to be staying in Doolin July 13-20 and I was thinking about coming over to Tulla on Wednesday 7/17.  I would so love to see anything that you may be able to find related to my family.

    Tuesday 18th Jun 2013, 07:35PM
  • Hi:

    I will have a look for you. I will plan on meeting you on the 17th.  You can email me at when you arrive. In the meantime, I will let you know what I find.


    all the best,


    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 18th Jun 2013, 07:42PM
  • Thank you so much!  How wonderful!

    Tuesday 18th Jun 2013, 07:44PM
  • Hi:


    I have been through the parish register and I have come up with a number of James Burke's for you to look at.


    1.  James Burke   baptised 17/7/1846.  Father:  Michael Burke, Mother:  Bridget Hawkins


    1. Tom 17/12/1830

    2. John 27/6/1835

    3. Margaret 13/5/1838

    4. Michael 4/5/1843

    2.  James Burke  baptised 28/11/1856  Father:  Pat Burke, Mother:  Anne Kelly


    1.  Mary Oct. 1845

    2.  Bridget 29/1/1859

    3. John 19/5/1861

    3.  James Burke baptised 26/6/1846  Father:  Richard Burke, Mother:  Betty Quinlivan


    1.  Bridget 12/7/1835

    2. Patrick 8/10/1837

    3. Norry 14/6/1842

    4. John Jan. 1844


    I hope that this is of some help to you.  Please let me know if you need anything further.


    Kind regards,






    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 21st Jun 2013, 06:59PM

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