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My great, great grandfather immigrated to the US from Ennis, Ireland in 1863 with his eight children.  His wife, Susan Doherty O'Brien, died in 1855.  Through on-line information available on the County Clare Library website, I was able to find information on her grave stone.  The marker contains the following:  This tomb was erected by Michael O'Brien of Killoo in memory of his beloved wife Susan O'Brien alias Doherty who departed this life November the 28th 1855 aged 35 years.

From the O'Brien family bible, I have information on the baptisms of the O'Brien children all of whom were baptized in Killoe (or Killew.)  A page of the bible has an impress seal that contains the following words:  ECCL SS. Petra ST Paul (DE Forgio) Clare Castle.  I was able to find a website for Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Clare Castle and sent an e-mail to one of the staff there asking if they had any additional information that might be helpful, but never received a response.

Included in the bible were some photos including a couple of the home of a Mike Lyons, Ballentick or Barnick and a photo of a Father Michael O'Brien, Clare Castle.

Again through the Clare County Library website, I was able to find a couple of Griffith's Valuation records that contained information possibly identifiable with Michael O'Brien.

What I can't find is any vital information on Michael O'Brien or Susan Doherty, i.e. dates and places of birth, marriage date, and identification of their parents.  Any help or suggestions that anyone can provide me would be greatly appreciated.





Bill Arnold

Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 05:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • Bill:

    Civil registration did not begin in Ireland until 1864 which does not help you looking for a vital record. The townland spelling for Michael O'Brien is Killow in Clareabbey civil parish. I went on the National Archives site and checked the Tithe Applotment data base for Killow townland.

    The time period is probably late 1820s. Three records came up. Two for Edward O'Brien and one for a Thomas O'Brien. I think the two Edward O'Brien records pertain to the same person and one of the holdings was 54 acres. Thomas O'Brien had 10 acres. I would speculate that Thomas may have been the father of Michael. What was the name of the oldest son of Michael?

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 06:52PM


    My understanding is that the Clareabbey RC baptism & marriage records only start in 1853. Earlier records have either been lost or were never kept. So you are unlikely to find any record of Michael?s baptism or marriage as they both predate this by many years. This is not uncommon with Irish research and, apart from the tithe records Roger is referring you to, unless someone has documents in a private collection, it?s unlikely you?ll be able to get back much further. You are up against the time barrier in Irish research which is very difficult to breach due to lack of records.

    Griffiths for 1855 shows Michael on plots 6 & 7 where he has a farm, outbuildings and just under 26 acres. Adjacent to that is Patrick O?Brien on plot 5 with some land but no house (so he either lived with Michael or in another townland). Possibly a brother, I would say. Out of 28 plots these were the only O?Briens, so you can be pretty sure they were your family.

    You can find out when those plots of land were given up by using the revaluation records in the Valuation Office in Dublin. The records are not on-line but essentially they take the primary valuation data forward until c 1930. Probably they will record Michael giving his farm up around the time he emigrated in 1863 (but who replaced him? Was it another O'Brien?). Likewise you can track Patrick?s land and see when he gave that up. That might indicate his death.

    The farm in Killoe should be easy enough to locate today. The modern M18 motorway runs through the middle of it though. The farmhouse may still be there though.

    There were only 10 households in the townland by 1901. No O?Briens.





    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 07:27PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you for your speedy reply.  I will check the website you provided.

    In answer to your question, the male children were James, Patrick, and Edmond (or Edward.)  So, I guess the Edward's you identified might be a relative.  I thought it was more traditional, however, for the oldest son to be named after the father's father and the second son to be named for the mother's father.  I understand that was not always the case but would suspect that the Edward's you identified were more likely an uncle.  Do you agree?

    While I have you, two more questions if you don't mind.  I have no idea why there were two pictures of the Mike Lyons home in the bible.  The house is quite substantial.  I doubt the pictures were taken in the mid to late 19th century--more likely the early to mid 20th century.  This leads me to suspect that he is a relative of either Micheal O'Brien or Susan Doherty.  With a house that substantial I suspect that Mike Lyons was a fairly prominent individual in County Clare at the time.  Can you suggest how I might be able to research him?

    Finally, do you have any suggestions for how I might be able to reach out to someone at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Clare Castle?  Not only were all the O'Brien children baptized in that church, but the picture I have of Father Michael O'Brien identifies him as being associated with Clare Castle.  Suspect this picture is also from the early to mid 20th century and that the Father Michael O'Brien was a direct relative of my great, great grandfather Michael O'Brien.  The point here is that I hope I might still be able to find O'Brien relatives in the Ennis/Clare Castle area and that my best chance at this would be through Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.  Does that make sense?

    Again, I really appreciate your earlier response and the efforts of Ireland XO in general.


    Bill Arnold

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 08:55PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you for your speedy reply.  I will check the website you provided.

    In answer to your question, the male children were James, Patrick, and Edmond (or Edward.)  So, I guess the Edward's you identified might be a relative.  I thought it was more traditional, however, for the oldest son to be named after the father's father and the second son to be named for the mother's father.  I understand that was not always the case but would suspect that the Edward's you identified were more likely an uncle.  Do you agree?

    While I have you, two more questions if you don't mind.  I have no idea why there were two pictures of the Mike Lyons home in the bible.  The house is quite substantial.  I doubt the pictures were taken in the mid to late 19th century--more likely the early to mid 20th century.  This leads me to suspect that he is a relative of either Micheal O'Brien or Susan Doherty.  With a house that substantial I suspect that Mike Lyons was a fairly prominent individual in County Clare at the time.  Can you suggest how I might be able to research him?

    Finally, do you have any suggestions for how I might be able to reach out to someone at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Clare Castle?  Not only were all the O'Brien children baptized in that church, but the picture I have of Father Michael O'Brien identifies him as being associated with Clare Castle.  Suspect this picture is also from the early to mid 20th century and that the Father Michael O'Brien was a direct relative of my great, great grandfather Michael O'Brien.  The point here is that I hope I might still be able to find O'Brien relatives in the Ennis/Clare Castle area and that my best chance at this would be through Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.  Does that make sense?

    Again, I really appreciate your earlier response and the efforts of Ireland XO in general.


    Bill Arnold

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 08:56PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you for your speedy reply.  I will check the website you provided.

    In answer to your question, the male children were James, Patrick, and Edmond (or Edward.)  So, I guess the Edward's you identified might be a relative.  I thought it was more traditional, however, for the oldest son to be named after the father's father and the second son to be named for the mother's father.  I understand that was not always the case but would suspect that the Edward's you identified were more likely an uncle.  Do you agree?

    While I have you, two more questions if you don't mind.  I have no idea why there were two pictures of the Mike Lyons home in the bible.  The house is quite substantial.  I doubt the pictures were taken in the mid to late 19th century--more likely the early to mid 20th century.  This leads me to suspect that he is a relative of either Micheal O'Brien or Susan Doherty.  With a house that substantial I suspect that Mike Lyons was a fairly prominent individual in County Clare at the time.  Can you suggest how I might be able to research him?

    Finally, do you have any suggestions for how I might be able to reach out to someone at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Clare Castle?  Not only were all the O'Brien children baptized in that church, but the picture I have of Father Michael O'Brien identifies him as being associated with Clare Castle.  Suspect this picture is also from the early to mid 20th century and that the Father Michael O'Brien was a direct relative of my great, great grandfather Michael O'Brien.  The point here is that I hope I might still be able to find O'Brien relatives in the Ennis/Clare Castle area and that my best chance at this would be through Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.  Does that make sense?

    Again, I really appreciate your earlier response and the efforts of Ireland XO in general.


    Bill Arnold

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 08:57PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you for your speedy reply.  I will check the website you provided.

    In answer to your question, the male children were James, Patrick, and Edmond (or Edward.)  So, I guess the Edward's you identified might be a relative.  I thought it was more traditional, however, for the oldest son to be named after the father's father and the second son to be named for the mother's father.  I understand that was not always the case but would suspect that the Edward's you identified were more likely an uncle.  Do you agree?

    While I have you, two more questions if you don't mind.  I have no idea why there were two pictures of the Mike Lyons home in the bible.  The house is quite substantial.  I doubt the pictures were taken in the mid to late 19th century--more likely the early to mid 20th century.  This leads me to suspect that he is a relative of either Micheal O'Brien or Susan Doherty.  With a house that substantial I suspect that Mike Lyons was a fairly prominent individual in County Clare at the time.  Can you suggest how I might be able to research him?

    Finally, do you have any suggestions for how I might be able to reach out to someone at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Clare Castle?  Not only were all the O'Brien children baptized in that church, but the picture I have of Father Michael O'Brien identifies him as being associated with Clare Castle.  Suspect this picture is also from the early to mid 20th century and that the Father Michael O'Brien was a direct relative of my great, great grandfather Michael O'Brien.  The point here is that I hope I might still be able to find O'Brien relatives in the Ennis/Clare Castle area and that my best chance at this would be through Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.  Does that make sense?

    Again, I really appreciate your earlier response and the efforts of Ireland XO in general.


    Bill Arnold

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 08:58PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you for your speedy reply.  I will check the website you provided.

    In answer to your question, the male children were James, Patrick, and Edmond (or Edward.)  So, I guess the Edward's you identified might be a relative.  I thought it was more traditional, however, for the oldest son to be named after the father's father and the second son to be named for the mother's father.  I understand that was not always the case but would suspect that the Edward's you identified were more likely an uncle.  Do you agree?

    While I have you, two more questions if you don't mind.  I have no idea why there were two pictures of the Mike Lyons home in the bible.  The house is quite substantial.  I doubt the pictures were taken in the mid to late 19th century--more likely the early to mid 20th century.  This leads me to suspect that he is a relative of either Micheal O'Brien or Susan Doherty.  With a house that substantial I suspect that Mike Lyons was a fairly prominent individual in County Clare at the time.  Can you suggest how I might be able to research him?

    Finally, do you have any suggestions for how I might be able to reach out to someone at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Clare Castle?  Not only were all the O'Brien children baptized in that church, but the picture I have of Father Michael O'Brien identifies him as being associated with Clare Castle.  Suspect this picture is also from the early to mid 20th century and that the Father Michael O'Brien was a direct relative of my great, great grandfather Michael O'Brien.  The point here is that I hope I might still be able to find O'Brien relatives in the Ennis/Clare Castle area and that my best chance at this would be through Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.  Does that make sense?

    Again, I really appreciate your earlier response and the efforts of Ireland XO in general.


    Bill Arnold

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 08:59PM
  • Bill:

    You are correct on the naming pattern that was why I was curious who the oldest son was hoping to tie that name back to Thomas or Edward in the Tithe records. The Edward in the Tithes could be an uncle but you can't rule out father.

    The correct spelling of the townland for Michael Lyons was Barntick. I found a Lyons family in the 1901 cnesus with a 30 year old unmarried Michael. In the 1911 census looks like Michael was married (probably in 1909) and had one living child. He had two servants which implies he was weel to do. For some reason none of his family were in Barntick in 1911. Also, normally the census records have the form B1 which shows how many rooms in the house but for some reason I could not find this form. Maybe his mother Maria was an O'Brien.


    Regarding the church in Clarecastle, if they don't respond to your e-mail, try contacting the parish priest Contact Fr. Harry Brady PP telephone: +353 65 6823011


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 4th Jun 2013, 03:53PM
  • Dear Bill:


    i saw your message last night, but unfortunately I couldn't respond at that time.


    I know the person who is the parish contact for Clarecastle and I have sent him an email on your behalf.  If he doesn't get back to you in the next week or so, contact me at and I will follow it up for you.  

    In the meantime, if you go back into the clare county library website, you can send an email to Peter Beirne or Brian Doyle.  They are the research librarians there and they may be able to assist you with regard to research on Michael Lynch.


    all the best to you on your family research.  Please get back to me if you have any problems.  


    Kind regards,





    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 5th Jun 2013, 01:37PM
  • Thanks, Roger and Jane.  Appreciate the leads.  Sorry about the multiple postings of my second message--kept getting a message that my word verification was incorrect.


    Bill Arnold

    Wednesday 5th Jun 2013, 06:03PM
  • Hi Bill:

    No problem.  I had the same problem last night and I gave up until today!  



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 5th Jun 2013, 08:18PM
  • Dear Bill:

    I have made contact with Christy Leyden, the parish liaison. He is very busy at the moment with local events: priest's jubilee & Tidy Towns, but will be able to look at your query after Sunday. Unfortunately, the other person who can help in that parish is unavailable.  However, Christy has assured me that he will get back to you next week.  I hope that that is okay.  

    Kind regards,




    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 7th Jun 2013, 08:08AM
  • Thanks, Jane.  Look forward to hearing from Christy.  No hurry on my part but I would be most interested in any information he can provide.


    Bill Arnold

    Friday 7th Jun 2013, 01:03PM
  • That's great, Bill.  Thanks for your query. 

    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 7th Jun 2013, 02:55PM
  • Bill,


    I may be able to help with your queries regarding O'Brien/Killoo. Perhaps you might like to contact me on 

    Thank you,

    Eric Shaw

    Monday 17th Oct 2016, 04:13PM
  • Hi Bill,

    My mother Eileen (Lyons) McCarthy was a daughter of Michael Lyons Barntick, she spoke of relations in Dakota which we considered C:1950 very exotic, we assumed relations lived in the Black hills of Dakota !

    I wonder if you able to identify any of the people in the three Barntick photos you published on line?

    Many thnaks fro your assistance look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards



    Friday 18th Sep 2020, 02:49PM

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