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I am trying to find out about my great-great-great grandfather, William Hamilton, born in 1778. I believe he was born in Seagoe Parish. I know very little about him except that he had four sons and five daughters. I do not know his wife's name. Two of his sons were Thomas and William Alexander (1802-1874). He served in the Cavan Miltia with two of his brothers for several years and was "discharged at the reduction without benefit". In 1823 he and his numerous family, including Thomas and William Alexander, emigrated to Canada. The little information I have comes from family memory and one letter written by William Sr. to the then Lieut. Governor of Quebec, Sir Francis Nathaniel Burton.

I would greatly appreciate confirmation that Seagoe was his parish, and of course the name of his wife, his parents, in fact anything which might allow my search to go further.

Thank you for your participation in this wonderful project

David Lavoie

Thursday 23rd May 2013, 07:21PM

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  • I am trying to find out about my great-great-great grandfather, William Hamilton, born in 1778. I believe he was born in Seagoe Parish. I know very little about him except that he had four sons and five daughters. I do not know his wife's name. Two of his sons were Thomas and William Alexander (1802-1874). He served in the Cavan Miltia with two of his brothers for several years and was "discharged at the reduction without benefit". In 1823 he and his numerous family, including Thomas and William Alexander, emigrated to Canada. The little information I have comes from family memory and one letter written by William Sr. to the then Lieut. Governor of Quebec, Sir Francis Nathaniel Burton.

    I would greatly appreciate confirmation that Seagoe was his parish, and of course the name of his wife, his parents, in fact anything which might allow my search to go further.

    Thank you for your participation in this wonderful project

    David Lavoie

    Thursday 23rd May 2013, 07:25PM



    While searching for other Hamiltons I found some information about William that could be your William. It says that the petition migrated from North of Ireland with the Newcomb or Newman (not clear) family and arrive in this province (Quebec) in the year 1823. In Aug. 1824 William Sr, William Jr and Thomas were allowed some land in Kilkenny, Quebec and had their ticket of location dated Nov. 30 1826 and that was registered at Hoyes & Lloyd agents on Nov.1832. Even if the 1851 Census for Kilkenny states that the older children were born Ireland most of them were either baptise in Montreal or in Rawdon which is close to Kilkenny. Alexander married in 1862 Jane Brooks in Ontario and I found a letter at Ancestry that says:

    This is to certify that as far as I know my Great-Grandfather was born in Scotland. When a young man, he went to Ireland where our grandfather was born. He married an Irish lady Sarah Williams. He always claimed the Emerald Isle as his native land. Always claimed that he was an Irish man. He and his wife came to Canada with many others, when they were quite young. They located in Qc, about 40 miles north of Montreal in a place called Kilkenny where their family wast born, which consisted of 6 boys and 6 girls and the story goes on and on concerning the Brook's family and their farm.

    William Hamilton and Sarah Williams were married on Oct. 27, 1824 at St-Gabriel, Montreal.

    If this is your William, hope it will help you in your research.

    Good Luck!




    Sunday 27th Dec 2015, 09:43PM

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