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Just joined from Los Angeles, California. My father's family emigrated from Curraghboy over the course of the 1880s and 1890s, a few members at a time.

Wondering if there are any families related to ours who still live in Kilmacteige parish. I visited Banada in 2003 but didn't learn anything about remaining relatives at that time. And couldn't drive all the way to Curraghboy because the road was too muddy -- a disappointment -- but the other local scenery was a treat.

My great-grandfather was James Battle (born 1845-1850) and his wife was Anne Flemming (similar age). They had sons Patrick, Martin, Michael, John Joseph, and daughters Mary, Anne, and perhaps Brigid, maybe another son or daughter as well. All or most left for Boston over a ten year period.

Records seem to show the surname was spelled Battle in Ireland. In the US, they must have added an "s" to the end. Records show us all here under "Battles".

Any linking information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.


Susan Griffith

Saturday 18th May 2013, 09:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Susan,

    Thank you very much for your message.

    I hope that someone with information on the family makes a connection with you.

    Have you checked the 1901/1911 census records to see if there were any Battles still in the area at that time?

    It may also be an idea to contact the local parish office to see if they can assist you.

    Kilmactigue parish also have a Facebook page for their community Gethering, this may be a good place to Reach Out to possible relatives, here is the link:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 19th Jun 2013, 09:23AM
  • Hi, I have some information on Battles who lived in Carraun, Castleconor Parish, County Sligo. They immigrated to Canada in 1847 and some of them ended up in the states. I am researching Howleys who were their neighbors in Carraun. I would be glad to forward what I have on them if you would like it. William Witt


    Sunday 5th Apr 2015, 03:43PM
  • Hi William,  Thank you for your above post. I appreciate your offer and I would be very interested to learn what you know about the Battles who lived near you in Carraun. I'm not sure how you want to forward the information. It may be too much to post here but you can if you like. Or, I'd be happy to receive it in an email. Here is my email address:  Again, thanks so much! Best regards, Susan Griffith

    Susan Griffith

    Tuesday 7th Apr 2015, 04:11PM

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