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I am looking for Mary hawkins who was born in County Wicklow 1819 and left for Australia on The "Berkshire" in 1841. To the best of my knowledge she came free to oz and married Patrick Bellane in 1841 who died in 1848 she thenmarried  James Robertson in 1849 both marriages took place in Berrime NSW.

Any information greatly appreciated.

Vicki Street


Saturday 18th May 2013, 05:37AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message.


    Have you checked the immigration records in Australia? Generally, more information was given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. The University of Woolongong has produced, on microfiche, a complete index and transcript of all information concerning immigrants of Irish origin recorded on ships' passenger lists between 1848 and 1867 for New South Wales. These are useful for finding out an exact place of origin as well as parents' names. The Public Record Office of Victoria has good online databases of settlers at Otherwise, other records may be found in the Colonial Office Papers of the UK National Archives, class reference CO 201. This class contains a wide variety of records, including petitions for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, records of emigrants on board ship, petitions from settlers for financial assistance and much more.

    Do you know her religion? Most Catholic records are held locally - One site which might be of use is - - where you can ?browse? an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.


    Church of Ireland parish registers for the period up to 1870-are public records. Registers are available for about one third of the parishes, however many were destroyed in the Public Records Office in Dublin in 1922. Most are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. A list of all surviving registers is available in the National Archives. and  The Anglican Record Project is has created an index to their records:

    Some sites that may be of interest to you are:


    British parliamentary papers on Ireland can be found at:

    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:


    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 


    Tuesday 21st May 2013, 11:55AM
  • Good day Mary,


    I am a Great Great Great Grandson of Patrick and Mary Bellane. A daughter Margaret married Thomas Harrison in 1878 (in the BDM records as Billane). They had 4 children & I am descended from the second child  Brentwood.

    I have been unable to find any further records for Mary Hawkins/Bellane/Robertson.

    Margaret seems to have led a good life and died tragically in 1931 from a leaky gas pipe. Margaret was living at Bankstown at the time with my Grandfather.

    Thomas and Margaret are buried at the old presbyterian section of Rookwood Cemetery. There is a picture of the plaque on the Australian Cemeteries Inde. Person Identity No.9214614.

    I live in Sydney Australia in the suburb of Dundas.

    Yes, Patrick & Mary are remembered in this household, after all Patrick is the only convict in the family!!

    Brentwood the 3rd.


    Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 04:05AM
  • Hi this was originally my post but I am seeing Brentharro's reply for the first time,

    I can fill him in on Mary Bellanes descendants from her second marriage to James Robertson.

    How do I contact him or can you pas on my contact details please.

    Regards Vicki Street


    Thursday 29th Dec 2016, 11:21PM

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