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Looking for information on Patrick Hingerty born about 1810 married Bridget Carroll 1835 in Nenagh. Living in Old Turnpike road around 1850. Brought his wife  and children Michael and Dennis to England before 1860. 

Believed to be brother to Dennis who married Anne Grace in Nenagh in 1834. Their son Patrick born abt 1842 came to England before 1867.

Carole Poulson

Wednesday 8th May 2013, 04:57PM

Message Board Replies


    has plenty Hingerty-Tipperary


    Jack Mc Donald

    Thursday 9th May 2013, 07:53PM
  • Hello, I am a volunteer for Ireland xo for the parish of Monsea

    Hi- I found Patrick Hingerty and Bridget Caroll marriage in Monsea Parish-  Bridget is from Dromineer.

    Denis and Anne Grace are also from  Monsea parish- 

    I do not believe that there are any Hingertys left in the parish

    If you need any more info, please get in contact with me at monsea@

    Monsea Tipperary

    Friday 10th May 2013, 04:10PM
  • Thanks to both above posters.

    I have seen the information on family search but I'm trying to establish any earlier information and links between the Hingerty's that are still in Ireland, mostly Dublin area but I would like to know if there are others still in the Tipperary area who might have some more knowledge

    Especially the link between Michael Richard (1850)  Denis (1850) and Patrick (1842)  all 3 born in Nenagh area, as my father described Patrick's (1842) children as his cousins.

    Carole Poulson

    Friday 10th May 2013, 04:39PM

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