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Trying to find more information about my Hogan/McCarthy family. Catherine McCarthy and Michael Hogan of Mulberry Lane, Mitchedltown had Honora, baptised 29 Mar 1846 Catherine, baptised 3 Dec 1843  Michael, baptised 1857 Bridget Hogan baptised 16 Mar 1856. Roman Catholics.  - trying to find parents name for  Michael Hogan and Catherine Hogan nee McCarthy, also Michael and Catherine McCarthy marriage also what happened to their children.  Honora (my GGgrandmother) arrived into South Australia sometime before 1850, not sure if she came alone or with her family.  Thank you


Wednesday 8th May 2013, 06:11AM

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  • Hi Jan,

    Thank you very much for your message. I have forwarded it on to one of our volunteers who hopefully will be able to assist or advise you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 02:51PM

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