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My ggg grandfather Michael Coyle his wife, Margaret McNaulty, were the parents of my gg grandfather Edward Coyle. Edward married Rose Callery in Cavan in 1865.

Edward and Rose went to Scotland and he died there in 1890 and Rose died in 1896.

On Edward's death certificate it lists his parent's names and his age. He was born in 1842, but age on marriage lic. on LDS site has him and his wife older than they were.

The person giving information on him for death cert. was his son, my g grandfather, Michael Coyle.

My uncle told me that Michael, ggg grandfather, came from Donegal.

Does any of this ring a bell with anyone.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Wednesday 24th Apr 2013, 05:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Judy,

    Thank you for your message.

    It may be difficult to confirm Michael?s connection to Donegal without knowing which specific parish he came from as most records sources are based on specific locations such as a parish. As civil registration did not begin until 1864, his birth would have been recorded by the local parish church, so without a parish name it is impossible to know where to begin your search.

    You could try searching on which holds a vast collection of Irish church records. Once you register with the site you get a number of free searches however to actually view a record it takes credits and works out at 5 euro per record. I did a search for Michael Coyle, birth/baptism, Donegal 1820+/- 20 years. However no records were returned. I also did the same for Cavan and there are records dating 1827,1830,1834,1836,1838,1839. There is no way of knowing whether these are relevant or not without looking at them, which can sometimes end up being quite expensive.

    I also did a search for Michael Coyle in Griffith?s Valuation, a property valuation survey of Ireland 1848-1864. This doesn?t give any genealogical information but can sometimes be used to tie a person to a specific place. A Michael Coyle was recorded in 5 parishes in Co. Donegal:

    and in 7 in Cavan:

    Perhaps using a combination of these sources you may be able to narrow down a possible parish of origin.

    you could also try contacting the Genealogy Centres in Cavan and Donegal for assistance, however a fee may apply. Here are their email addresses respectively:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support






    Thursday 30th May 2013, 02:29PM
  • Hi

    My Gt Grandmother was Margaret Coyle who married Bernard McGonagle in Clondavaddog Co Donegal on the 26th February 1876.  They then moved to Coatbridge Scotland and can be found there from 1879.  Two of her brothers, Patrick and James Coyle, can also be found in Coatbridge.

    Margaret's parents were James Coyle and Mary Doherty.  Their children were Stephen, Patrick, Margaret, Nigel, James, Neil, Mary, John and Charles.  Some of them were born in Clondavaddog others in Rosguill and Tully Fanett.  I'm afraid that is all the information I have at the moment.  Perhaps some of the names of the siblings relate to your own research.




    Thursday 30th May 2013, 03:38PM
  • Hi

    In a recent conversation with my aunt in England, who turned 95 on May 25th, I was told that her son in law's research has Michael coming from a town/parish with the name starting with an 'M'.  Maybe he can be found in the parish of MEVAGH.

    I will have to research that parish more, I guess.

    Thank you


    Thursday 30th May 2013, 07:11PM
  • Hi


    I just recently received some info from my cousin that she found at the registy in Scotland.  It states that Michael's wife's name was Mary Ann McNaulty, not Margaret.

    Edward Coyle married Rose Callary in Aug. 1865, not Nov. 1865.

    Rose Callary's parents were: Michael Callary and Mary Multy.

    Their daughter Mary, born about 1878, married Peter Mackay in 1897.

    Their daughter Margaret, born 1867, married James Callary in 1888.

    Their daughter Roseann, born 1875, had an illegitimate child James Stewart Coyle in 1896 and he died in 1897, and his father on his death cert, was James Stewart.

    Does any of the above sound familiar to anyone.

    Would like to know where the names McNaulty or Multy come from in Ireland.


    Friday 26th Jul 2013, 07:24PM
  • Hi Judy, there is Meevagh in Donegal, see attached,


    Perhaps repost under Donegal & you may get a better response.


    Regards Carmel

    Bailieborough Cavan

    Friday 26th Jul 2013, 08:12PM
  • Hi


    I did find a Michael Coyle and a Michael Callery on the Griffith’s Valuation, in Cavan.  I have also found a sibling for both Rose and Edward, and I think it would indicate that at least one of the parents would have been older than first thought.

    1. Ann Callary

    1828 – 1873 and she married

    Peter Mullen

    1804 – 1877

    2. Philip Callary

    1846 – 1925 and he is on the 1871 census, with Edward and Rose and listed as brother in law to head of household.  Ann Callary's son Peter Mullen is on the same census, listed as a nephew, age of 19.  We can then assume, possibly, that Ann and Peter were married over 20 years before.  And the 1861 census for Peter and Ann lists the following children:  James 14, Peter 8, Michael 7, Thomas 4, Patrick 2, and two cousins Thomas Mullen and Patrick Hart, both age 20. Both born in Ireland. As their first son was born in 1847, they married around 1846 in Ireland.  As Ann was born about 1828, Michael Callary, her father, could not have been born in 1820.

    Peter's death cert gives his parents names and his age of 73, in 1877.  The 1861 census has Ann, Peter and son James as all being born in Ireland, so we may assume that they married in Ireland, and moved to Scotland between 1847 and 1853, as Peter Jr. was born in Scotland.

    A check could be made to look for Ann, Rose, and Patrick Callary and their parents Michael Callary and Mary Naulty in Boyle, Roscommon, Ireland or Crosserlough, Cavan, Ireland. Maybe for the Coyle family as well.

    I have attached the death certs for Edward and Rose, that give their parents names.

    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 06:46AM

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