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I believe that the Falkiner family came from a place (house) called Mount Falcon (in Tipperary was the infomation I had, but it now seems this might instead be County Mayo, because I found the house's page on the internet).

Frederick Edward Falkiner married Francis Gail, and lived in the Melbourne area in Australia.

Frederick's son Charles Arthur Falkiner married Moetu Taui in New Zealand. (There are also Falkiner descendants  of Frederick in Australia).

Charles's eldest daughter Laura Falkiner is my great grandmother. Her brother Lt George Frederick Falkiner was awarded the Military Medal and Bar, and  was the Battalion Signals Officer for the 13th Australian Imperial Forces in WW1.

Father: Frederick Edward Falkiner b: Abt 1820 in Co Tipperary, Ireland
Mother: Fanny Gaile or Gale b: Abt 1822 in Co Carlow?, Ireland?




Saturday 20th Apr 2013, 10:12AM

Message Board Replies


    In the Tithe Applotments 1823-37   it looks like there is a  Fred Falkiner is living in Mount Falcon in Tipperary…



    There are no Falkiners living in Mount Falcon, Co Mayo, which is between Foxford and Ballina.


    This is a good site for Mayo Burials but there are no Falkiners…


    There was a prominent family of Faulkners living in Castlebar


    Falkiner in Carlow in 1850's…


    Gale in Carlow in 1850's…


    There are some Falkiner Family Trees on but you may be aware of these, they all mention Tipperary as place of birth

    Sorry I can't be of any help, perhaps you could post these on the Tipperary and Carlow Message Boards


    Good Luck with your research




    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 09:20PM
  • The men listed in the very first item are likley to be the bunch I am looking for (Ballyrickard)




     FalkinerFredkBallyrickardArdcronyTipperary1823FalkinerDamlBallyrickardArdcronyTipperary1823FalkinerAlfred GBallyrickardArdcronyTipperary


    I suspect that Richard may be "John Richard" or "Richard John" - the father of Frederick and Daniel, because the record I have is that John (Richard?) Falkiner was the father of Daniel Richard and Frederick Edward (Senior).

    If so, there were four daughters but they might have not been born in 1823. Frederick Edward was born about  1820. The youngest daughter of "John" - named Henrietta Selina got married to a Charles Abbot in Hobart in about 1836 (and that newspaper clipping refers to her father as "the late John Falkiner of Tipperary").

    Frederick, and Daniel both went to Tasmania. Frederick was in Tasmania by 1835, but I cant find out how they got there. 

    Daniel Richard Falkiner had a Licence for a Wine and Spirits business and settled in a place called "Forton" at Snake Banks, Tasmania. Daniel's wife was Margaret Helena Gray, but that record also says that his father was "John Falkiner", and his mother was Harriet (who died in 1826 in Hobart).

    Frederick Edward (sen) farmed merino sheep in Eltham, Victoria Australia - he left Launceston on the schooner Enterprise for Port Philip on October 26 1836 - and stayed there for the rest of his life. Died in 1881 at Eltham, from heart failure in his sleep.

    There is a brand of early electric shearing shears called "Falkiner-boll" brand.

    Not sure who Alfred G is, but my great great uncle (son of Charles Arthur Falkiner) was also an Alfred.

    Another son of Charles, Lt. George Frederick Falkiner was the Battalion Signals Officer for the 13th AIF in WWI, and was awarded the Military Medal and Bar.


    There is much potential here for mixing up Daniel Falkiners, and Richard Falkiners. I think it is time to start drawing diagrams and putting dates in.





    Wednesday 24th Apr 2013, 12:28AM
  • Vestry records from finnoe church 1824 have a john falkiner living in prospect . This is in the parish of terryglass/kilbarron which is beside borrisokane.

    Sunday 28th Apr 2013, 07:19PM
  • Are there any baptism records? And ... is there more than just his first name? and ... is there any mention of who his parents were? (or children?). Did he marry a "Harriet" ? ... sighs .... and Hello Cousin .... obviously a trip is in order when I aint broke ... thinks an IT job in Ireland might be the ticket ....

    Tuesday 30th Apr 2013, 12:41AM
  • Hi Terence.

    The Irish Family History Foundation Tipperary North. They have Birth, Marriage and Death records for North Tipperary online. (Fee) The land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64). Griffith's is freely available here:

    Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38). Microfilm copies of the books for all of Ireland are available at the National Archives of Ireland (NAI)

    also have a large collection of Birth, Marriage and Death records. They also have the Ireland Civil registration Births, Marriages and Deaths Index 1864 - 1958


    Best wishes.



    Tuesday 30th Apr 2013, 11:54AM
  • hi                                                                                                                                                                                        If you google landed estates nui galway and put in falkiner family name you'll get info on family in mount falcon .It was built by richard in 1720 and his grandson richard had 11 sons.Hope this helps.Its a free site but if you put in mount falcon it will bring up the one in mayo.

    Sunday 12th May 2013, 09:41PM
  • What I now have is


    Michael == Anne (Susanne/Catherine) Jackson

    b. 1598  |    (from Yorkshire)


          Richard ==Mary Mason

         b. 1640    |

                   Richard == Maria Rogers     

                   b. 1691  |_____________________________|_____________________________|

                            Richard                                        Daniel                                            Sarah

                            b. 1721 == MaryAnn                  b. 1723 == Anne                          b. 1734

                                                Smart                                          Friend

                                           |                                                |__________|_________|

                                   Rev Richard Daniel                        Richard         Henry       John

                                          |                                             b. 1752         b. 1762    b. 1767

                                 11 Children                                                    8 children altogether

                         This is in Burkes Peerage

           Includes "John  of Willsborough" and Frederick FRSCI

      and the descendants of Frank Sadlier Falkiner from Australia

      Frank's son Frank Norman Falkiner, was a member of

      Parliament for Victoria, Australia.

      Includes the descendants of Ostwald Falkiner.



    Daniel married Ann Friend 13th August 1752 in Killaloe Diocese, Tipperary

    Daniel had 8 children.


    Henry was the fifth child. he married "Charlotte"

    Henry had five children including


     (Capt) Richard                Frederick Henry

     b 1796                           b. 1799

    This information is on Patrick Falkiner's site on

    Patrick's family is in Canada


    John was Daniel's sixth child.

    This is "John of Prospect" who married a Mary Cuddy and had 11 children. His children seem to have ended up in Australia (Tasmania). 

    John of Prospect's children were:-

    Richard b 1800; Charlotte b. 1803; Thomas b. 1804; Rebecca b. 1806; Elizabeth b. 1808

    John b. 1809; Daniel b. 1810; Sarah b. 1812; Mary Ann b. 1814; Frederick Edward b 1816;

    Henrietta b. 1817.


    Richard and Rebecca married in India (military marriages).  Henrietta married in Hobart.    Frederick married in Melbourne??.


    Richard             Thomas    John           Daniel              Frederick Edward              Henrietta

    b. 1800              b. 1804   b. 1809       b. 1810             b 1816                              b. 1817

    married in India                        (Tasmania)               Married Fanny Gale

    in the military                                                  (Fanny's cousin Edwin Gale went 

                                                                             from Australia to the USA

                                                                                and joined the Marines)

                                                                         There may be a tie up here with Anthony Gale

                                                                          who was the fourth Commandant of the USA

                                                                           Marines, as Anthony also came from Carlow.


                                                                                   Frederick's son Charles

                                                                                 married Moetu Taui in 1884 in

                                                                                             New Zealand.

                                                                                Charles' son Lt George Frederick

                                                                               got the Military Medal and Bar in WWI.

                                                                                 Charles' eldest child Laura is my 



    Thursday 13th Jun 2013, 08:44PM
  • The house called Mount Falcon still stands near Congor south of Borrisokane. I visited it in May 2017. I am a descendent of Richard Falkiner (m. Maria Rogers in 1720) who built Mount Falcon in 1720 on the land he obtained from the Earl of Arran.  He also bought in 1725 the lands of Ballyrickard (formerly the Earl of Limerick's Estate), which iis nearby Borrosikane. Their eldest son Richard (m. Mary Ann Smart) inherited Mount Falcon as did their son Richard Daniel. I descend from Richard and Maria (Roger) Falkiner's son Daniel (m. Ann Catherine Frend), and their son Henry (m. Charlotte Falkiner, dau of Thomas Falkiner).  Henry and Charlotte's son Frederick Henry Falkiner m. Diana Jane Bell Kingsley at Terryglass in 1829 (my gr-gr-grandparents).  This Falkiner family immigrated to Canada via New York. Frederick Henry Sr. and his eldest son Henry Frederick came arrived in 1848, while Diana and the 3 youngest came in 1849 also arriving in New York. Thereafter, the Falkiners moved north into what is now Toronto Ontario Canada, where Frederick operated a grocery at 83 Elizabeth Street  which is near Toronto City Hall. The eldest daughter Diana m. Anthony White before immigrating and settling in London Ontario Canada, but they removed to settle at Holyoke MA, USA.  The son George immigrated to Australia at the age of 14 in 1853.    The son Henry and daughter Elizabeth (m. Henry Donald)  married and remained in Ontario.  The son James Kingsley Falkiner, my gr-grandfather, also remained in Ontario, but his son Thomas took up a homestead in the Canadian prairies where his eldest son, my father, James M Falkiner was born.

    Several branches of Falkiner's immigrated to Australia and Tasmania.  A descendent of Richard and Mary Ann Smart, Franc Sadlier Falkiner left England for Sydney Australia on 17 Aug 1854 at the age of 19 and with a modest £20. In 1878 he purchased Boonoke station (see the history of Haddon Rig through Suzanne Falkiner's book).  Descendents of John Richard Falkiner of Mount Prospect near Nenagh, is the branch that ended up in Tasmania, and a few (Frederick (m. F Gale) and Henrietta (m. Cha Abbott )  removed to Australia.

    I would also like to point out that the material posted to Patrick Falkiner's website is from the extensive research performed by our cousin, Valarie Falkiner.


    Saturday 13th Apr 2019, 12:19AM
  • Attached Files
    dan falkiner.jpg (2.87 MB)


    Thankyou for such interesting information about the Falkiners. I have just completed a book on the Grey Family in Tasmania which covers some part of Margaret Grey's life with Dan. It is called "Ballycurragh to Tasmania 1649 – 1868" Grey Family and Innes Clan . Volume One and Volume Two and both are available on 

    I have also attached a page from our family history note book which refers to Dan. 

    You may like to contact Brian Jacobs Brian


    All the best 



    Ian Broinowski

    Saturday 13th Apr 2019, 03:38AM
  • Thank you for the information. I will contact Brian.

    My  research on the Tasmania Greys reveals 2 Gray/Grey families.  That of Margaret Grey who married Daniel Falkiner, but also Major William Kingsley Gray/Grey who built the estate named "Rockford" in Tasmania.  His wife  Eleanor Toler Kingsley was the sister of my gr-gr-grandmother Diana Bell Kingsley, and thus my 3rd gr-aunt.  Their brother Samuel Bell Kingsley married Dorothea Maunsell in Limerick and theytoo  immigrated to Tasmania, and following Dorothea's death he married Malvina Butler Bryan and they eventually relocated to Ascot Vale, AUS.  They also had a brother Major James Bell Kingsley (m. Eliabeth Adamoson) who remained near Nenagh in Ireland.  These siblings where all born at Ballyhogan, Tipperary.  The name "Kingsley" appears in all subsequent generations.

    Maj Wm Gray had a brother Captain James Kingsley Gray (of Greyfort Tasmania) who married Mary Legge, the daughter of Michael Legge and Blanche Vincent (originally of Rodeen Tipperary). Five siblings, inclduing Mary, immigrated to Tasmania. Mary's brother Robert had a son, Col. William Vincent Legge who married Frances Anne Talbot Gray, the dau of Maj William K Gray and Eleanor Toler Kingsley Gray.  

    The father of Col Wm and Capt Jas Gray was a Dr. Richard Gray (MD) of of Birr, King's County.  They brought their mother Ann out to Tasmania with them where she died at Rockford in 1837.


    Sunday 14th Apr 2019, 09:31PM
  • Hi Trish,

    Yes you are correct and I have covered much of this in my book so too much to restate here but includes photos of family and of Rockford and Greyford


    Attached family note book. 


    Ian Broinowski

    Monday 15th Apr 2019, 03:44AM
  • Part two

    Family note book has been added to for last 250 years although this copy was written in about 1914

    Ian Broinowski

    Monday 15th Apr 2019, 03:46AM
  • Third part

    Ian Broinowski

    Monday 15th Apr 2019, 03:48AM
  • Thanks Trish I will certainly add your information on the Kingsley into the note book.



    ps let me know if there are errors in the book. Luckily its on LuLu so I can edit

    Ian Broinowski

    Monday 15th Apr 2019, 04:09AM
  • Hi Trish.

    Maj Wm Gray had a brother Captain James Kingsley Gray (of Greyfort Tasmania) who married Mary Legge, the daughter of Michael Legge and Blanche Vincent (originally of Rodeen Tipperary). Five siblings, inclduing Mary, immigrated to Tasmania. Mary's brother Robert had a son, Col. William Vincent Legge who married Frances Anne Talbot Gray, the dau of Maj William K Gray and Eleanor Toler Kingsley Gray. 

    Just noted on p20 of Katies' note book that it has James emigrated to Tasmania M Mary daughter of William Legge solicitor....

    something to think about.


    Ian Broinowski

    Monday 15th Apr 2019, 07:17AM
  • Trish 

    A couple of other points of interest in my Great Aunt's writing (Volume One of "Ballycurragh to Tasmania 1649 – 1868")

    she refers to Dan's father as 'an old vicor of Tipperary' and also his family motto was Fortune favente (By Favour of Fortune)

    although that turned out to be tragically wrong for the family.

    Does this ring any bells for you.


    is where are you from. I life in Hobart Tasmania

    Ian Broinowski

    Monday 15th Apr 2019, 07:33AM
  • Ian, thank you so much for the family notes.  Fantastic that you have this family journal/pedigree!  And very nice to have some of my research validated through a private source.

    There were several Falkiners in Tipperary who were Clergymen.  The grandson of the Richard who built Mount Falcon was a clergyman, the Rev. Richard Daniel Falkiner (1751-1825) m. Maria Robbins [they had 11 sons, one of whom, Daniel m. Rebecca Sadlier and they were the parents of the Franc Sadleir Falkiner who established the most renowned stud in Australia, Haddon Rig].  Ruth Falkiner (1760-1816, sister of Rev Richard Daniel and Franc) and her husband Thomas Butler Stoney had a son, Rev Ralph Stoney (1785-1856) who was a clergyman.  He lived at Terryglass and married my gr-gr-GP (Frederick & Diana Bell Kingsley) in 1829.

    It is my belief that Dan Falkiner's father Richard, was not the old vicar, but rather John Richard Falkiner. I believe (I could be wrong) he was the son of Daniel Falkiner and Ann Catherine Frend, and thus the brother of my gr3-GF, Henry Falkiner. Four of Dan Falkiner's sisters arrived to Tasmania in 1834.  Three were soon married. The youngest daughter Henrietta Selina married Charles Abbot in Hobart Town TAS in 1836. That newspaper notice gives her father as "the late John Falkiner of Tipperary".  One of the daughters, Elizabeth, died at the age of 35, in 1850, and the notice of her death states her father as, "John Richard Falkiner, Esq. of Mount Prospect near Neagh, County Tipperary, Ireland."  That fits with my family history.  I believe John's wife's name was Marian/Marion Cuddy (the daughter named Marion m. William Giblin). There is one researcher who believes that John Falkiner's wife's name was Harriet and she died in Hobart Town in 1826.  However, this is unlikely as John's sons did not sail to Tasmania until 1827 and his daughters, not until 1834.

    The name of "Mount Falcon" did not originate from the surname of Falkiner as many believe.  I finally located my reference  to post to this thread:  "Dermot Gleeson in his 'History of the Diocese of Killaloe' quotes a passage from the Annals of the Four Masters in which he maintains that the reference to ‘ordnance’ gives us the origin of ‘Mt Falcon’.  The word is ‘fabcuin’ in Gaelic, which is translated as ‘faucon’ and it  means  ‘firearms’.  He tells us furthermore that this is the first reference to the use of firearms in the history of Ormond.  Mount Falcon was formerly known as ‘Kilocany’". 

    Ian, please send an email to me at I have more to add but prefer to take it off line.  Trish


    Wednesday 17th Apr 2019, 03:04AM
  • Hi, just came across this posting.
    I had afternoon tea in Mount Falcon many times when I was a child.
    A family called Hogan lived there, well they still do. The Blue Room was where we sat by a big window.
    Then down stairs to the kitchen, it was so warm with a big black range.
    My cousin came over from Australia a few years ago and we all went up there to see the Hogan brothers, he used to work there in school holidays with his father.
    My Mother was a friend of Carrie Hogan, deceased. 
    Such fond memories.
    The last Falkiner to live there was a lady in 1911 Ellen Jane Falkiner, (nee Saunders) she was 62 and was born in England. They married in Guildford, Surrey, England in 1898.
    A widow then, no children. She sold the house. She died in Southsea, Hamshire, England 12th April 1924
    Richard Henry Falkiner death…
    Kiloganny.....there was a Mill at the other side of the road from the Avenue to Mount Falcon, and a large pool, this was called the Wash Pool, this was where you wased the horses and by the bridge was where we got our spring water from, the mill ruin is still there. Well it was last year.
    There was also a school house on the same side of the road as Mount Falcon House, somewhere they are connected to a family called Babbage, one was a teacher at the school, 
    Oh well, time passes.


    Thursday 6th Jun 2019, 03:51PM
  • Margot, thank you very much for sharing your memories and the links to the records. Unfortunately the current owners were not in residence when I stopped in 2017. I had only one day to spend in the area and it just wasn't enough. Perhaps my next trip! Trish


    Sunday 9th Jun 2019, 10:53PM
  • Hi, what a shame they were out.
    Next trip maybe!



    Tuesday 11th Jun 2019, 06:56PM
  • I recently acquired a copy of "Ballycurragh to Tasmania 1649 - 1868". I read with particular interest the chapter on Daniel Falkiner and Margaret Grey as I believed that my wife is probably a descendant of a sister of Daniel Falkiner. However the detail of the story is very different to the one with which I am familiar.
    I understand that my wife's ancestors were recorded on a surviving fragment of a census:
    1821 Census (Tipperary, Ireland)
    Name            rel.    age        E.B.Y.
    John Falkiner          40        (abt.1781)
    Mary             w       37        (abt.1784)
    Richd            s       19        (abt.1802)
    Maryanne      d       17        (abt.1804)
    Thos             s       16        (abt.1805)
    John             s       11         (abt.1810)
    Dan              s        9         (abt.1812)
    Fred             s        4         (abt.1817)
    Eliza            d       14        (abt.1807)
    Charlotte      d       12        (abt.1809)
    Rebecca      d         7        (abt.1814)
    Henrietta     d         2         (abt.1819)

    In 1823 and 1824 a John Falkiner was mentioned in directories as living at "Prospect", Nenagh, Tipperary. I thought that he was a merchant from his son Richard's details at the University of Dublin.
    It would be a big coincidence that Dan Falkiner's property name in Tasmania was also "Prospect".
    I am not sure what happened to John Falkiner senior and Mary his wife but they seemed to have died in Ireland before 1831.
    Richard became a clergyman and possibly died in Ireland in 1876.
    Marian, Eliza, Rebecca and Henrietta migrated to Tasmania from Liverpool aboard the "Princess Victoria" under Captain Bisset in 1833-1834.
    Marian married William Giblin in 1836 and died at Hobart in 1840. Her son Wiliam Robert Giblin became a Premier of Tasmania.
    Eliza (Elizabeth) did not marry and died at Hobart in 1850.
    Rebecca married George Francis Evans in 1837 and died at Hobart in 1853.
    Henrietta married Charles Abbott in 1836. He died in at Hobart 1851. Henrietta then married John Thomson in Victoria in 1860 and died in Victoria in 1896.
    I have Frederick and Daniel Falkiner first appearing in the Tasmanian press in 1834-1835 but have not located a record of their migration.
    Frederick moved to Victoria around 1839, married Fanny Gaile and died there in 1881. He was Chief Constable for a short while.
    Thomas married Marianne Gibson in Ireland in 1831 and died in India in 1844. His widow and children came to Victoria where she married again.
    John junior married Mary Pasmore in India in 1840 and died in India in 1876. Their daughter married in India and died in Scotland.
    Charlotte married George Waller in Ireland in 1831, migrated with him to Victoria and died there in 1884.
    I thought that our Daniel married Margaret Grey but it now seems possible there may be more than one Daniel Falkiner.
    I would be grateful for any information that could reconcile our story with that in "Ballycurragh to Tasmania 1649 - 1868".


    Wednesday 7th Aug 2019, 06:36AM
  • My granny grew up at Mount Falcon. Her grandmother was Elmina Nina Falkiner, who married Henry Whitmore Babbage. They had a son called Herbert Falkiner Babbage, and he brought up my granny and her brothers and sisters there (not sure why Elmina's family ended up with the house, as there were other, more male Falkiners!)

    My granny is 94 now and still alive and kicking! She has a great photo of her as a child outside the house with her donkey. I'll talk to her about it some more when I see her next.

    It was lovely to read your post Margot, if you ever read this.


    Megan b

    Sunday 30th Jan 2022, 10:18PM
  • God Bless your Granny.
    Well, my Mother would have been 99 now, she passed in 2005.
    Mum knew June Babbage. do you know her?



    Monday 31st Jan 2022, 10:51AM
  • I have researched the family of John Richard Falkiner and his wife Marion (Mary) Cuddy quite thoroughly over the years. Richard of Mount Prospect was brother of my gr3-grandfather Henry Falkiner, a clergyman, who died in 1823 and is buried at Modreeny, Co Tipperary.  Their father was Daniel (m.Ann Catherine Frend) the son of Rcihard Falkiner and Maria Rogers of Mount Falcon.  

    Richard, the eldest son of John of Mount Prospect was a minister - Vicar of Ardcroney. He died in Ireland in 1867.  He apparently lived at Woodlands, a small residence near Ballyrickard which is close to Mount Falcon. (Source is Ninian Falkiner).

    Daniel Richard Falkiner, the son of John and Mary of Prospect, did in fact marry Margaret Helena Grey, on 27 Feb 1838 at her family home named 'Eastbourne' in the Campbell Town Dist, Tasmania. According to contents of the last will and testament of their son, John W Falkiner, his father owned numerous properties including those named "Burley Brook", "Big Hill", "Sugar Loaf" in the Parish of Uplands, Cornwall County, Tasmania. Margaret (wife) died in 1860 and at that time their location was given as 'Forton' at Snake Banks. Daniel died in 1868 at the age of 58, at his property named 'Frogmore' near Avoca, Tasmania. Their 3 children (that I know of) are (in birth order),

    Alice Kate (m. John H Robertson),

    John William Falkiner died a bachelor in 1927 at his prooerty named 'Wickford' and according to his will, left his estate to his nieces and nephew, children of his brother Humprhery.

    Humphrey Richard Falkiner m. Marion O'Connor. Children include Catherine ('Ketha', unwed), Millicent ('Mille', unwed), Frank Arthur (m. Louisa Sparks with issue), Isabel Eileen ('Eileen', unwed), and Marion ('May', m. Guy L MacKInnon with issue).

    Margot, I wish I had known your Granny was alive when I visited Ireland in 2017!  I would definitely have reached out to her.  I located Mount Falcon, Ballyrickard and Mount Propsect on that trip, but having made contact with a descendent in Ireland would have made the visit so much more meaningful.

    Trish Falkiner Kelly


    Monday 31st Jan 2022, 05:26PM
  • Hi Trish,
    you say.............
    He apparently lived at Woodlands, a small residence near Ballyrickard which is close to Mount Falcon. 

    Wow, as you know the name of the house, my Mother was the only other person I heard mention the name.
    I know where it was, I used to visit a lady called Kate, my Mothers friend. The original house was demolished, can't remember when and a new bunlaow built close by. Kate died a quite a few years later.

    Trish.....Margot, I wish I had known your Granny was alive when I visited Ireland in 2017.
    Sorry that's Megan b.     My granny died in 1979. 

    Do you know this couple?    from a ship list.  

    FALKENER / FAU ? John 1842 26 Borrisokane Nathaniel / Penelope - Father is a farmer. "Have refused several good offers"{h/o Margaret,23} Bap C Ship = Woodbridge
    FALKENER / FAU ? Margaret 1842 23 Borrisokane John / Bridget HOBBS xx "Confined on March 2nd" {wife of John,26.}Baptism certified. Ship = Woodbridge

    The earliest record online is Richard Falkiner and Mary Mason, a marriage in Dublin in 1683.

    My family were the Kennedy's, they were the Blacksmiths, their cottage and forge was in view of Woodlands across the fields.

    This map......below.
    when you open it, it shows Ardcroney...move north on the N52 until you see Ballyrickard, on the right of the map you will see a box with a map and ROAD. Point and you will see a list, click on Aerial. Click the "+" once. Where the green sign  N52 is there is a small plot of land with a building, that was the Kennedy's forge. Follow the road to the right, the property on the left is Woodlands. Move the map down, back on the N52 the next property, there is a straight drive......that is Mount Falcon.
    ardcroney, tipperary, map - Bing Maps

    When you were over in Ireland did you go to Bunratty Castle?    The Church there is the one from Ardcroney where Richard was the Vicar.

    If you go back to Woodlands, the next property on the left up the road is Ballyrickard House. 
    There are a few people that went to NZ and Australia with the place name at their Baptism as Lettyville, it's the same house it was renamed. this is the house, I may add it looks nothing like this now. It's lovely now.
    | Landed Estates | NUI Galway

    Hope this is a bit more information for you.



    Wednesday 2nd Feb 2022, 11:41AM
  • Margot, concerning the ship records. That is John Falkiner and his wife Margaret Hobbs, who married at Terryglass 1839 son of  Nathaniel Falkiner who wasa son of Rev. Richard Falkiner and Maria Robbins Falkiner, thus brother to my 4th gr-grandfather Daniel Falkiner who m. Ann Catherine Frend.  Nathaniel's John left for Australia in 1842 with his wife Margaret Hobbs, so this is him. They traveled on the Woodbridge under Capt Dobson. They had a family of 10 and lived in West Maitland, New South Wales, Australia.

    Yes I did visit Bunratty. We thoroughly enjoyed our stop there, and entire month we spent in Ireland.



    Thursday 3rd Feb 2022, 11:15PM
  • Glad you enjoyed the trip.



    Friday 4th Feb 2022, 12:33PM
  • Does anyone know when Mount Falcon came into ownership of the Hogans? I researching some local history and am interested in when and why historic houses in the locality changed hands.

    Tipperary Advocate

    Thursday 25th Aug 2022, 02:01PM
  • The Hogans bought the around 1930 to 1951.



    Sunday 16th Oct 2022, 02:26PM
  • (Does anyone know when Mount Falcon came into ownership of the Hogans? I researching some local history and am interested in when and why historic houses in the locality changed hands. Tipperary Advocate) Sorry, didn't see this. I will ask my granny when it came into ownership of the Hogans when I see her at Christmas. And Margot- I don't know June, but was probably my Granny's sister. Sadly they didn't stay in touch.

    Megan b

    Friday 2nd Dec 2022, 06:29PM
  • Hi All, I'm also descended from Richard Falkiner and Maria Robbins - They are my 8xGreat Grandparents! Although whereas you all appear to descend from their son Daniel, I'm descended from their son Richard and Mary Anne Smart, and my direct line stayed in Ireland. The Falkiners are on my Maternal line, and although I have passed Borrisokane many times, it was before I knew I had a connection. I live in Dublin, but don't drive, and public transport isn't great in North Tipperary (Tipp) so I'm hoping to go down for a wander at some stage this summer.

    Caroline D

    Monday 23rd Jan 2023, 11:34PM
  • Hi Megan B, just wondering if you asked you Granny about the Hogan ownership...I'm doing some research around the Hogan family in the area...they were quite extensive and interestingly religiously mixed. They seemed to be all vaguely related and I'm wondering how closely they were. Thanks in advance for any tips!


    Tipperary Advocate

    Friday 10th Mar 2023, 12:33PM
  • Hi Tipperary Advocate,

    I did speak to her, is there any way I can private message you?

    I went to have a look at the house, sadly it's in a bit of a state. It doesn't look like anyone's lived there for a while now.

    Megan b

    Sunday 30th Apr 2023, 10:38AM
  • Hi Megan B, I'm on looking forward to hearing from you and thanks for responding!

    Tipperary Advocate

    Wednesday 31st May 2023, 03:37PM
  • Hopefully this pic uploads - here is Mount Falcon as of last year looking pretty sad and abandoned.

    Maybe we should all band together and buy it ;)

    Mount Falcon 2023 (1)_0.jpg

    Megan b

    Saturday 9th Dec 2023, 05:23PM

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