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Greetings , family names are Lynch (John D, Mary,Jeremiah,--  Nora nee Horgan,

Ellen nee Rahilly) Most christenings in Kerry and lived and died in Scrabby from 1800

to 1920s.   If there is a possibility of a connection please contact.

Also I cant forget the Campbells of Scrabby ( Henry, Harry , Michael )

Sunday 7th Apr 2013, 03:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike, I just want to check, did the family(ie all of the named people) move from Kerry to Cavan & do you know why?

    Nowadays it is still a good 3 hour + drive from Cavan to Kerry.


    Sorry for not seeing this message sooner, Carmel O'Callaghan

    Bailieborough Cavan

    Saturday 20th Apr 2013, 01:12PM
  • First please let me say that the name Carmel is really beautiful and No I have no idea why or when they moved and also I'm not 100% sure of all the relationships as I've tried to follow the names down the line but similar names keep showing up with different spouses. It truly can make one crazy. If you have these names in your tree maybe we can clear up some mysteries. All I know of Kerry is that they were baptized there and from Scrabby on my tree moves to the names Kavanagh and Campbell. Hope I'm not rambling. Thanks for responding


    Saturday 20th Apr 2013, 02:14PM

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