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Hello I am researching my family history and am seeking information about the O'Connell family in the Knocklong area around the 1920's, In particular the family of Bridget O'Connell who married William Carey - they had a pig farm in Knocklong West in 1911 or thereabouts. I have searched for birth, marriage and death records for both but have been unable to find anything out. Is it possible that these may not have been recorded anywhere other than within family circles? Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  Patricia Carey

Friday 29th Mar 2013, 09:55AM

Message Board Replies

  • Patricia:

    I found the 1901 and 1911 census records for the William and Bridget Carey family. Looks like in 1901 they were living in Knocklong East and then moved to Knocklong West before the 1911 census. I could not find a marriage index record for William and Bridget. If you go to you can enter the children's names and approximate year of birth to see if you can locate a birth index record. They would be recorded in the Kilmallock registration district. If you find an index record, copy down the quarter of registration and the volume and page number. You then can write to the GRO for a copy of the birth record. Fill out their form and provide Kilmallock, the quarter/year of registration and the volume and page number.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 29th Mar 2013, 04:08PM
  • Hello Roger  thank you very much for getting back to me so soon. I have had a look on the websites as suggested, and I have managed to find some of the information I was looking for so I will write to the GRO for copies of the records I have found. I am also trying to find a passenger list for  a ship which my grandfather sailed on when he left Ireland to come to England. Have you any idea where I could find the information I am looking for?  Thank you. Patricia.

    Friday 29th Mar 2013, 09:59PM
  • Hello Patricia,

    My name is Margo and I am one of the volunteers helping out in the Knocklong parish. I will try and help you to find the information you are looking for.  Leave it with me.

    Kind regards


    Sunday 7th Apr 2013, 11:31AM
  • Hello Patricia,

    My name is Margo and I am one of the volunteers helping out in the Knocklong parish. I will try and help you to find the information you are looking for.  Leave it with me.

    Kind regards


    Sunday 7th Apr 2013, 11:31AM
  • Hello Margo, thank you for your response to my message. If it helps in any way, the passenger I am looking for is Patrick Joseph Carey from Knocklong (and Tom Carey from Knocklong if possible - they were brothers) I believe he left Ireland either in the late 1920's or early 1930's. Also, was there a school in Knocklong during the early 1900's? I have been unable to find any information about schools in the area at that time. Thank you. Patricia.

    Sunday 7th Apr 2013, 06:17PM
  • Hello again Patricia,

    I enlisted some help with your request and this is what is the outcome:

    England is not easy and I don't think you will find any travel records because as far as I know there were no emigration controls between Ireland and the UK back in those years. They more or less considered us part of the UK until 1948 when the Republic was finally declared.
    A good starting point is to find his birth year, ideally the exact date. Was he already born in 1911? You might be able to work out his age from that. You haven't told me what age he was but this one aged 13 was living in Knocklong West in 1911

    The Civil Index register for his birth seems to be this one which I found on the LDS site (Latter Day Saints) called

    • Name Patrick Carey
    • Event Type: Birth
    • Event Date: Jul - Sep 1898
    • Event Place: Kilmallock, Ireland
    • Registration Quarter and Year: Jul - Sep 1898
    • Volume Number: 5
    • Page Number: 265

    This is the information you need to order a photocopy of the birth cert from GRO, Convent Road, Roscommon and the cost is ?4. That is useful if you want to trace back because it will give both parents names.

    England is difficult because there is no census online after 1911. As we know some more facts like who he married we might be able to cross reference that event with his wife's name but it is going to be difficult to tell exactly when he went to the UK. The States is much easier that way because they have census records up to 1940 and entry and exit was recorded.

    I will have to do some more work on this Patricia, and see if more progress can be made. Also, the old school in Knocklong was opened in 1879 so it would seem reasonable to assume he was a pupil there.



    Sunday 14th Apr 2013, 09:06AM
  • Hello Margo,

    You are exactly right,  the  Patrick Joseph Carey in these records is my grandfather. He was born 24/04/1898 and lived in Knocklong West with his family. He left Ireland sometime in the late twenties to early thirties and married an English lady called Ivy May Kenny from Leicester where they both lived until their deaths.  I’m not altogether sure that this will make a lot of difference from what you have said, it would help if I knew exactly what year he left Ireland but I really have no idea at all.

    I don’t suppose there are any accessible Parish records detailing the pupils at Knocklong   School from 1900 to 1916 or thereabouts?

    I have managed to locate baptismal records for two member s of the family but the others remain a mystery unless they were never baptised, but getting back to the school records, would they be available online or would I need to write to the local council  to obtain them?


    Many thanks


    Sunday 14th Apr 2013, 04:56PM
  • Hello again Patricia,

    I'm sorry I haven't been on to you sooner. I will check this at the weekend with the locals and get back to you before the weekend is out.

    All the best, Margo

    Thursday 25th Apr 2013, 08:59PM
  • Hello Patricia,


    I just spoke to the Parish Priest about your request for access to the attendeance records of Knocklong national school back in the days of 1900 to 1916.

    He said that they are very strict now regarding giving out information and you would have to write to the Principal of the national school, who may be able to help you, given that you are tracing your ancestors.

    The lady Principal is:-

    Ms Pauline Taylor,

    C/o Knocklong National School,


    Co. Limerick

    I'm sure that if you have a query that she can help you with at all, she will be very obliging. I'm sorry this is not a very productive answer. I will continue to ask around and see what other avenues you could access for information.



    Thursday 2nd May 2013, 05:32PM

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