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I have been searching for my fourth great grandfather Thomas Gurley for years!  I know that he was born in Donegal in 1796/94. He married a lady by the name of Jane and they had 7 children.  Most of whom where born in Donegal as well.  I saw that you had a Thomas Gourley listed on the 1830 tithe list.  Do you have any other records for this Thomas so that possibly I could see if he is my ancestor?  The children were named Matilda, Eliza Jane, James, Margaret, Susannah (Susan), Thomas and Marie.  Any help you could give me would be very much appreciated.  

Monday 25th Mar 2013, 05:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    As Gurley/Gourley is a scottish name I recommend that you contact the Monreagh Ulster Scots Heritage and Education Centre.  They may be able to help you and have many local contacts.  Their website address is

    Also another website that is very helpful is Doengal Genealogy Resourcs -

    I wish you the best of luck with your research.

    Kind regards,


    Thursday 28th Mar 2013, 07:47PM
  • Thank you Elmer for your reply.  I have contacted the Centre and hopefully I will hear back soon from them.  I have already used the rootsweb website.  No luck there.  I keep thinking I am the only one in the entire world that knows that my ancestors existed! Hopefully I will get some help in the near future. I appreciate you taking the time to help me.


    Thursday 28th Mar 2013, 08:34PM

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