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I am looking for any information on a man called James Richardson Frazer, long story cut short- originally from Scotland but moved to and lived in Modreeny House around 1851, he fathered two children, a boy born in 1853 and a girl born in 1855. Both unnamed on their baptism records with no details of their mother(s). I know the girl is called Jessie as I am descended from her but I know absolutely nothing of the boy or what happened to him. I also cannot find any marriage records for James but seeing as he already had a wife and family back in England at the time that doesn't surprise me. He left Modreeny after 1856 and Jessie was raised by James's wife but we cannot find a death certificate for him or will records either. If anyone has any informations whatsoever I would be so grateful, even information on who lived at Modreeny House at that time I know a bit about the Dancer family but thats it. many thanks in advance


Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 02:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sarah

    sorry for delay in answering your query. Here's some information on Modreeny House. Trying to trace your family looks really complicated and possibly one for a professional. We will put out your request for information and see what happens




    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 09:29PM
  • Hi Sarah

    I am trying to confirm my family connection to the Dancer family and hope you might be able to help. My ancestor John Abbott, b. 1801 Co. Cork but later of King's Co (Offaly), who emigrated to NZ in 1860, was the son of a Christopher Abbott and Cherry Dancer. I think Cherry died not long after John's birth because Christopher Abbott then seems to have remarried Sara Maria Sheppard, who also came from the area very close to Modreeny. Do you have have any information that might link in with this? Do you know of a Cherry Dancer married around 1800/born around 1780, or any more about the family of Sir Amyrald Dancer that might link to her?

    Many thanks

    Sarah Ell

    Auckland, NZ

    Friday 31st Jan 2014, 02:25AM

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