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In researching my Great Grandfather, John Keenan, I have found the following: His US Naturalization record indicates he was from County Down. I also have what may be his Baptism record. The following is what I know from these sources:

His fathers name was Patrick Keenan, and his mother's Mary, although her name on other US records is listed as Ellen.

John was born about 1928.

The Baptism record I have indicates he was baptized in Newry on 22 October 1830, his father Patrick, mother Mary, and sponsors Charles Courtly and Mary Farmer.

His wife was Bridget Castles. I don't know if they were married in Ireland, or how they came to the States. The natualization record states he arrived in Boston in 1848.

Would appreciate corroboration of the Irish data and/or any other info that might be available.

Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 12:56AM

Message Board Replies

  • John's date of birth was 1828, not 1928!

    Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 12:59AM
  • You may like to check out PRONI wills it is free there were a few kennans who had alias heenan and vice versa this may be the issue- if not just check out keenans if you havent already his will will probably will be registered if he stayed in the UK

     best wishes with your seach



    Tuesday 26th Mar 2013, 11:42AM

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