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My grandfather (illegitimate) was brought up by Daniel McCashen. I discovered Daniel's wife was Rose Anne Fowler but do not know where they originated.

My Mother's mother Margaret Molloy married came from Bray Co. Wicklow but I have been to Ireland and could find no trace of them there.

The records I have from Cleator Moor Cumberland, England where they lived, indicated that they had come from the same area in Ireland.

I would be grateful for any help with any of these people 

Saturday 9th Mar 2013, 12:56PM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Margaret,

    Would you have more details about the people that you have mention in your query? Their approximate date of birth/ marriage. These would be helpful in advising you were to start looking for more information.

    Also Bray parish has its own dedicated page if you would like to post your message there.

    Best regards Michael.

    Friday 19th Apr 2013, 01:45PM
  • Hello Michael,

    Thank you for your reply,

     These are my grandmother and  her parents. All I know is they showed up on the English 1881 census and stated their place of origin was Bray, Wicklow. My grandmother Annie Burns was born abut 1865/6. The census differs from year to year. Michael her father was born abut 1838 and  her mother Eliza (I don't know her surname) born abut 1846. There  is a marriage in Wicklow of Michael Byrne and Eliza Quinn  which may be them, the reason this  could be possible is that my eldest brother had told someone that he thought they had been known as Byrne. Michael must have died before they came to England  because Eliza was registered as a widow.

    It would be great if there was something I could find on the web page, thank you for sending it.



    Friday 19th Apr 2013, 08:18PM

    Hello Margaret

    I had a quick look on using the parents’ names Michael Byrne/ Burns and Eliza Quinn

    The birth place of the three children is given as Dunlavin, Wicklow. One of the children is an Anne; do the other children’s names match any of the children you have on the 1881 census?

    Also Dunlavin is approximately 60 kilometres from Bray.  

    Then I searched using father’s name Michael Byrne/ Burns mother name Eliza; and this was the result

    Except this time some of the children are recorded as being born in Bray, although there is no Anne among them.

    What are the other children’s names you have on the UK census?

    Best regards Michael

    Monday 29th Apr 2013, 04:00PM
  • Hello Michael,

    Anne seems to come up in the same area wherever I search.  There was only her and her mother Eliza listed on the census. I was told that she had a brother John who visited her in Cumberland but then went off again and don't know if he returned to Ireland. There is no more that I can tell you, they had all died before I was born so what information I have has come from family.

    Thank you for trying, I would send for this certificate but I don't know if it would give me anymore than I already have.



    Monday 29th Apr 2013, 09:36PM

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