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Timothy James Madigan was my G Grandfather and he came to Australea on a ship called the "Wanata", arriving in Melbourne in 1854 at the age of 23. On the same ship were 6 Madigan girls aged between 14 and 21 and a Mary aged 40 with a son aged 10. These may have been a step mother and sisters of James. Also on board was an Honora Gilligan who married James a month after arriving here. James/Honora's marriage certificate says that his father was a Patrick Madigan and his mother a Mary Ciolinan,however his death certificate says his mother was Ann Diller. The Mary on the "Wanata" was a Mary Hogan. A bit confusing. I have been unable to find any records of Patrick Madigan except a record of a Patrick Madigan having been convicted in the Linerick Court in 1853 of theft and transported to Hobart, Australia ,for 7 years. I do not know whether this is my GGGrandfather or not. I have not been able trace him at all after his jail release. I have wondered whether James, and the other Madigans on the ship if related at all, came to Australia as a result of the difficult times in Ireland or perhaps as a result of Patrick ,if he was their father, being transported.. I would be delighted if anyone can tell me.

Geoff Tims.

Thursday 28th Feb 2013, 03:04AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Geoff,

    Thank you for your message.

    I hope that someone that has information or research done on the same family makes a connection with you and helps you to answer some of your questions.

    Have you tried looking for Timothy birth record in church records in Kilshanny to try and confirm who his mother was?

    Most Catholic records are held locally so you may need to write to the local parish priest for possible assistance. One website that you may find useful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. For parish, follow this link:

    For information on Church of Ireland records check and

    There are incomplete collections of some church records also available online: and Please note that Roots Ireland is a paying website.

    You could also try looking for Patrick?s transportation record to see what information you can find from that. These are available at the Irish National Archives:

    You should also check in the UK National Archives, in the Colonial Office Papers Class CO 201. This class contains a wide variety of records, including petitions for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, records of emigrants on board ship, petitions from settlers for financial assistance and much more.For more information check

    It may also be a good idea to contact Co. CLare Library, as they have a very good Local Studies Department that may be able to give you some more advice or assistance:

    You could also try contacting Clare Heritage Centre for assistance- a fee may apply.

    I hope some of this is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 25th Apr 2013, 02:17PM
  • Hi Geoff,

    I have just read your message and I am from the same family.  My GGGreat Grandfather was Patrick Madigan the first born of Timothy Madigan and Honora Gilligan. Would love to talk please contact me.

    Kind regards


    Sunday 22nd Dec 2013, 05:29AM
  • Hi Geoff & Rhonda,

    Hope this is able to get to you, given it is 3 years later. I have posted back in 2015 searching for Madigan / Madden as the verbal family info is a bit thin on the ground. My G/Gandmother is possibly one of the Mary's on the Wanata travelling with the 40 year old Mary and brother Patrick. Where the story gets a bit weak is the age of Mary from her death certificate and her stated birth place as Kilmessen and the birth of her children with mother's maiden name as Madden. Happy to compare notes and perhaps clear up the inconsistancies.


    John Anwin


    Sunday 19th Jun 2016, 06:20AM

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