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I am researching my family tree.

My grandfather was John O'Connor from Colleras Oughter.

John had a brother Jeremiah who emigrated to the US (probably MA)  sometime after the 1911 census.…

I would be interested to hear from descendents or relatives of Jeremiah

These Connors below (called the Peggies) and also from Colleras Oughter  would have been related somehow  to Jeremiah and John.…






Monday 18th Feb 2013, 07:09PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Joest,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone who is a relative of Jeremiah or who knows of the family makes a connection with you.

    Perhaps it may also be a good idea to place this message in a more local forum, such as a newsletter or newspaper, in the hope that someone from the area will recognise the family and reach out to you.

    Here are some places you possibly may be able to do this:

    Parish of Kilmoe Website:

    West Cork Times:

    West Cork People:

    The Southern Star:

    The Opinion:

    I hope that this suggestion is helpful.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 09:06AM
  • Hello from California! Oddly enough this week I was working on my husband's tree - the Connors. I was trying to figure out how large Goleen is when one of the links brought me to this page. 

    I'm pretty sure Jerry is connected to my husband's side. Jerry Connor did indeed go to Massachuesetts. I have no contact with him right now and I have only heard/seen his name and I have some details. My father in law has already passed and I'm sure he had contact with him. 

    Let's see if I have the right man. They had a sister who went by Mary Margaret O'Connor b 21 October 1886 or so. She went to Massachusetts abt 1902 - 1904 and married Charles Befuhs. They were the parents of my late mother in law. 

    Mary Margaret's parents were Michael Connor and Anne or Nancy Coughlan from Callaros Oughter from what I've been able to understand. I was just working on Jerry and I am going to contact a woman whose line is from a half sibling, Elizabeth O'Leary. 

    I usually start on this line and give up and go back to other lines in countries I have worked. This is very promising.

    Does this sound familar at all?



    Wednesday 3rd Sep 2014, 04:39AM
  • Oops, you're that Joest! We talked a while back and you sent me some copies that you had received. Are we talking about the same Jeremiah?



    Friday 5th Sep 2014, 01:36AM
  • Hi Joe,

    This just caught  my eye while looking for something else.

    I used to live in Goleen and knew a Jerry (Jeremiah) O'Connor, who had a brother Johm. They would have been born in the late 20's - 30's

    Jerry was a lovely man, a fabulous character, a one off really, and I have some pictures of him if you would be interested.

    All the best


    Tuesday 13th Jan 2015, 09:00PM
  • Hi Maggie,

    Just saw your note above.

    Jerry was my uncle. He had a brother John ( a farmer) and another brother Dan (a shopkeeper) both in Goleen.

    I would love to get a copy of any photos you have of him.

    Please send them as attachments to :



    Joe Stapleton


    Monday 23rd Feb 2015, 07:29PM

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