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Looking for other family members of Gerard Joseph Stack b. 1840 in Listowel. He was the son of Patrick Stack and Ellen Fitzgerald and had siblings John b. 1839 in Rathkeale, Limerick, and Hannorah b. 1826 in Lixnaw, Kerry.

Gerard married Margaret Elizabeth Tully in Roscommon, Roscommon and later emigrated to USA in 1871, where he remarried to Sarah Fisher Peterson. John Stack married Julie Sweeney and went to live in Deptford, London, England by 1869.

I do not know if Hannorah married or when she may have died.

Can anyone connect with this family?

Saturday 16th Feb 2013, 12:30AM

Message Board Replies



    Thank you for your message and for sharing this information on the Ireland Reaching Out message board.

    I hope that someone who is researching the same lines makes a connection with you to share information.

    Best wishes,

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 11:01AM

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