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Looking for a Thomas Broe possibly born in or near Rathfarnham according to Army  enlistment papers in 1842. Father John and mother Elizabeth. Some members of this family have been found here but others in other parishes as well.  This man is a mystery. He would have been born in either December 1824 or January 1825. The name was also spelt Brough on marriage certificate in 1844 found in Arran Quay and the family left Ireland/England for Australia in 1846 on a convict ship as a guard. Father John possibly owned sawmills as some of the family carried on that trade in Australia.

Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 10:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • Have you checked


    Bob Graham (County Fermanagh XO)

    Friday 15th Feb 2013, 04:47PM
  • Hi Bob


    Yes I have and there a couple of children noted there as well as John being sponsor for several more.  Also a couple of children whose surnames are mis-spelt or mis-transcribed as Browe etc but no Thomas. Thanks  Anne

    Friday 15th Feb 2013, 10:24PM
  • Hi,

    I found a Baptism for Anne Murtagh of 6 Gordon Terrace  Rathmines (which is very near Rathfarnham) on  she was baptized 28 February 1858  and Witness #1 is Thomas Broe if this is your relative he was still in Rathfarnham/Rathmines area in 1858.

    I have also found baptisms for 2 of John and Elizabeth's children in Rathfarnham

    Pat Broe  1825  Rathfarnham

    Eliz Broe  1830 Rathfarnham

    The church where the baptism's took place is The Church of the Annunciation  Ballyboden, Rathfarnham. 


    My ggg grandparents were Malachy and Margaret (Creaghan) Crowe Provisions Dealer & Vinter in Rathfarnham who had 12 children, their son Michael John Crowe was my gg grandfather! If I locate anything else I'll let you know!  I've attached a picture of the church!







    Tuesday 19th Feb 2013, 03:15AM
  • Thanks Maria but  Thomas was definitely in NZ by the early 1850s. I wonder if it was one of John's brothers who was sponsor to Anne. Pat(rick) Broe also emigrated to NZ in the 1870s and died there and another brother George  went to NSW then returned to Dublin and Henry remained there and still has descendants in Sydney. I have been in touch with a descendant of Eliza who now lives in Dublin but she is in the dark as much as me. The enlistment papers say Thomas was born in Roundtown which is now Terenure I believe.



    Tuesday 19th Feb 2013, 04:00AM
  • Hi Anne,

    Roundtown & Terenure are 2 different places; Roundtown is just outside Dublin proper on the coast North of Greystones and Wicklow which apears to be about 1 hour or so away from Rathfarnham which is considered part of Dublin South; while Terenure is just outside Rathfarnham. If Thomas Broe's enlistment papers say Roundtown then it seems he would have been the older child born in 1824 after which the family moved to Rathfarnham where Pat was born in 1825 and Elizabeth in 1830 with the other siblings you mentioned coming between or following Pat & Elizabeth.

    Is it possible the enlistment papers could be in error?  If Thomas was born in Terenure it would make more sense geographically speaking, since his siblings were baptized in Rathfarnham.  








    Tuesday 19th Feb 2013, 05:28AM

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