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looking for information on henry totten and briget magill parents of william totten in griffiths valuation of rateable property sept 1863 in the union of downpatrick county down at walshestown parish of saul county down


Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 10:25PM

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    TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS / GRIFFTH?S VALUATION You could try checking the land records calledthe Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64) or the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) The Tithe Applotment List might be of use to you, or at least interesting for you. These listsconstitute the only nationwide survey for the period, and are valuable because the heaviest burdenof the tithes to the Established Church, the Church of Ireland, fell on the poorest, for whom fewother records survive. The information in the Tithes is quite basic, typically consisting of townlandname, landholder's name, area of land and tithes payable. Many Books also record the landlord'sname and an assessment of the economic productivity of the land. The tax payable was based on VALUATIONS OFFICE Valuations office in Dublin ( will have a record of the landregistry from 1855 to modern times. This will assist in seeing what happened to (name) and whathappened to his land (as it usually passed on to a relation). The next thing you could do is find the counties and places in Ireland your family names are mostprevalent. Look at the website and perhapssomething will match some other clue you may have found elsewhere? If nothing turnsup ? it is advisable to try different variations of the spellings of the names. If you have a possiblefirst name you could try the Irish Census 1901, 1911 at or the landvaluation record called Griffiths Valuation


    Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 03:23PM
  • I have a conveyance document dated 12th march 1835, when John Magill purchased the lease of audleystown land from Mathew Orr. I also have map documenting the plot of land the lease covered.

    Also have maps of Welchestown dated c1800.

    These are proni copies that I got from the Castleward estate papers.

    Monday 27th May 2013, 06:22PM

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