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I am searching for my Irish connection in the Malone family.   My roots are in Newfoundland with the marriage of my grandmother was Anastasia Malone (1825-1895) who married Patrick Sullivan (app 1820 - dd unknown) in Newfoundland in 1845.  Anastasia father was Michael Mamone (1791-1832).  Michael Malone was either born in Newfoundland or Ireland, depending on which of their children's census information you read.   Michael Malone's father, Phillip Malone is my only hope of connecting back to Ireland.   The information I have on Phillip Malone is that he was a crew member on the HMS Trepassy and was discharged or left the ship in 1779 in St. John's Newfoundland.    According to the records in a newfoundland periodical the name Malone was most numerous in County Clare "where it is pronounced Maloon and is probably really Muldoon". 

If there is any way I can research the name of Phillip Malone in County Clare with the limited information I have, I would appreciate any suggestions as to where I could begin research.

Thank you.

Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 06:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Kathy:


    I have read your query with regard to Phillip Malone.  Unfortunately, birth and marriage records do not go back that far in County Clare, however you may be able to find out more about the Malones through the Clare County Library.  Their website is and they have a number of resources online.  I would advise you to look through the directories (listed on the right hand side of the page).

    Have you done any research in Newfoundland?  Their resources are supposed to be very good there. 


    If you need any further help, or think that you might be able to narrow down your search further, please don't hesitate to contact me.



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 15th Feb 2013, 03:57PM

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