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I am interested in sharing information with desendants of the KELLY family from Feagh East, Moyne.

In the 1911 Irish Census there is a Mary KELLY living in Feagh.

She has been married for 4 years and has a 3yo son Martin ROCHE, and I would like to know who his father was, as he is not mentioned in the Census return.

My ROCHE family lived in a neighboring farm and I assume the father is a relation of my Grandfathers who is about the same age as Mary.



Tuesday 5th Feb 2013, 02:49PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Sean,


    Thank you for posting this message and sharing this information on the message board.


    I hope that someone who has information makes a connection with you.


    Best wishes,


    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 10th Apr 2013, 03:24PM

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