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My great grandmother was Patience Burgess. We have been able to find nothing on her. We don't even know her parents names. We know she came to the US approx. age 16 between 1880-1888. She married Thomas Wilson (my profile picture) in 1895 in East Windsor,CT. They had 5 kids including my grandfather Robert who died 11 months before my birth.  She died in CT in 1954. I know based on her marraige record and the birth records of her kids she came from Tartaraghan, Armagh. Her marraige records says father was unknown Burgess no mom listed. HELP!!!

Wednesday 2nd Jan 2013, 06:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,


    Thank you for your message.


    The fact that you know she came from Tartaraghan is a good starting point! Most Irish record sources-church records, land records, census records- are based on specific locations, usually a parish.


    Do you know her religious denomination? You could try searching for her birth/baptismal records in the hope that her parent's names are listed.


    Most Catholic records are held locally. One website which may prove useful is the irishtimes. Here, they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. For Tartaraghan/Loughgall follow this link:



    For Church of Ireland records check: and


    You can also do a search of Griffith's Valuation. This was a property valuation survey carried out in Ireland between 1848-1864. I did a search for Burgess in Co. Armagh. 9 results came back two of which were from the parish of Tartaraghan. It is possible that these may be connected to Patience. Although, the survey doesn't offer any genealogical information you can perhaps use these two names as a starting point. You can see the results here:


    You could aslo search the 1901/1911 census records to see if you can find any family members that may have remained in Ireland:


    Some other websitse which may help you are:


    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:

    The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland

    Family Search:  

     US National Archives/Immigration info:

    Genealogy Links:




    I hope that this information helps. Remember to post any new information you find. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 27th Feb 2013, 12:45PM
  • TY for all the links. I have been to a few of them before. I have no way of knowing if I have the right family in the valuations or census records. I have suspions she may have been sent here as an orphan. She was not Catholic. She was Prodestant. So, I think that's church of Ireland? We have had folks look through births and No Patience Burgess comes up. Could her name have been changed? 

    Wednesday 27th Feb 2013, 05:01PM
  • Hi,


    Yes Protestant is Church of Ireland.. It is possible that her name could have been changed, or perhaps different variations of it were used. 

    Do you know much else about her emigration? Generally more information was given at the port of arrival rather than that of departure. If you knew which city she arrived at you could search the records there and hopefully find new some information. This would be easier to do if you could narrow down the 8 year timeframe you mentioned for her emigration. A good place to start looking into immigration records is the US National Archives website at the following link:



    Alternatively you could try contacting Armagh Ancestry for possible assistance-hover they will probably charge a fee for their services. Here are their contact details:

    Armagh Ancestry,

    40 English Street,


    BT61 7BA,

    Northern Ireland.

    Phone: +44 283752 1800    Email:


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support

    Friday 1st Mar 2013, 11:03AM
  • Unfortuneately I can't narrow down her arrival date anymore as it changed every census. We have looked through immegration records and ships lists and come up empty. Females weren't naturlized is the US. They got it through their husband or father back then. I have looked at Ellis Island and Castle Garden in NY. Her husband came through Castle Garden. I have looked in Boston records. 

    Friday 1st Mar 2013, 04:19PM

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