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I've been researching my family tree for 12 years.  My great-grandfather came to the U.S. around 1903.  His name was Denis Patrick Duggan, his father was Patrick Duggan, married to Mary Keeffe.  A lot of his (Denis) siblings also came to the US.  I would love to connect with any Duggan's that still remain in Ireland and gain more knowledge of their life in Ireland, where they are buried, etc.  Any help would be appreciated!   Thanks.


Wednesday 19th Dec 2012, 02:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Thank you!  I will do that.  Happy New Year...

    Tuesday 8th Jan 2013, 06:36PM
  • Hello, Jeremiah Duggan and Johanna Lucey Duggan were my 3 great grandparents.  Their daughter, Mary Duggan was my 2 great grandmother.   Mary was born in1825 in Ireland and died in New York State.  I would love to connect to anyone who can shed light on the Duggan clan.  Thanks!  I'm sorry I don't have more information.


    Thursday 16th Apr 2015, 11:26PM
  • Hello, Jeremiah Duggan and Johanna Lucey Duggan were my 3 great grandparents.  Their daughter, Mary Duggan was my 2 great grandmother.   Mary was born in1825 in Ireland and died in New York State.  I would love to connect to anyone who can shed light on the Duggan clan.  Thanks!  I'm sorry I don't have more information.


    Thursday 16th Apr 2015, 11:27PM
  • I believe that my 3 great grandfather Jeremiah Duggan was from Macroom.He married Johanna Lucey.  They had Mary Duggan, my 2 great grandmother.

    Thursday 16th Apr 2015, 11:29PM
  • I believe that my 3 great grandfather Jeremiah Duggan was from Macroom.He married Johanna Lucey.  They had Mary Duggan, my 2 great grandmother.

    Thursday 16th Apr 2015, 11:29PM

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