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Someone from Kildorrery, Cork, where Maurice Gallagher and one of the Quinlan sisters settled, said a friend told her she had seen a gravestone in Templetuohy with Maurice's name on it. We think it is unusual that a male from Kildorrery, Cork, wouild marry someone from northern Tipperary. They would have lived a good distance apart. I am interested in knowing what is on the tombstone. Maurice's oldest son's mother was recorded as Margaret Quinlan and the other children's mother was recorded as Bridget Quinlan. When the family emigrated, the oldest boy did not go with them. He emigrated a few years later. I am wondering if Margaret Quinlan WAS the mother of John. Perhaps she died, and then her sister married Maurice. I was wondering if the tombstone would have any information that would clear up this myster. Thank you for any possible help.


Monday 12th Nov 2012, 11:22PM

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  • Hi

    I have forwarded your request for assistance to a volunteer who may be able to offer some advice.


    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 


    Monday 14th Jan 2013, 05:15PM
  • Hi Cynthia . .  sorry for the delay . . in getting back to you . . re,this query . . . 

     here's what I have for your inquirer . . (see attached) I visited Templetouhy (village) G;yard . . and found . . NO clues . . .  outside T'touhy ( 1 mile) . .another G'yard . .called "Templeree". . I found the following ' clues ' which . . may . . may not . . be of help . . to the search. The first pictures feature a headstone . . NOT directly linked to the 'name' search. . BUT . . with the same locations in Ireland . . by coincidence . . it reads . . " erected by John O'Regan of Meadstown, Kildorrery RIC ( i.e.Royal Irish Constabulary) . . Co.Cork . . in memory of his beloved wife . . Mary. . .died at Templetouhy . . etc,etc, 1891. . etc,etc. . . The reason this headstone caught my eye . . was . . the placenames matched the query . . .  could there be a connection ??? The last picture . . matches ONE of the two individual family names . . Regards . . Eamonn Horan, Roscrea. 

    Wednesday 20th Feb 2013, 03:17PM
  • Thank you so VERY, VERY much for your help. I live in the US but am in touch with the person who told me that someone had mentioned seeing Gallagher on a stone with the Quinlan family. She assumed it was Templetuohy, but I can see it is not. Thank you for the Meadstown information. This name happens to be in the family of the Kildorrery person so I shall tell her. I have not been able to figure out how someone from Kildorrery married a woman from this area of Tipperary, but now there is a second family from the same Kildorrery RC parish connected with a northern Tipperary family. Thank you again, so much. Jan


    Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 03:40AM
  • Very happy to have assisted.

    All the best.




    Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 09:44AM

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