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I'm looking to trace my family.  The only link I have is the father of my Aunt.  His name is Roger Joseph Canning from Portumna.  He was borni around 1900.  He went by the name of Joe.  He married my Grandmother, Nora Heany in the late 30's early 40's.  Nora was from Thurles.

My mother was illegitimate.  Her name is Mary Anne McAllister-Cahain.  No one, except Nora, knows why the last name McAllister-Cahain.  She was raised by Nora in London.  Nora told many stories about her father.  One was that her father was Joe Canning's first cousin.  Which brings me to Portumna.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Sunday 4th Nov 2012, 11:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Kevin,

    I am from Portumna and have been making some enquiries today with my neighbours who are Cannings, Rosemary and Geraldine. (Geraldine is very well up on the family history but not on email). From what Geraldine told me you are possibly third cousins - her father was Sean Canning and Joe was his first cousin.

    Roger Joseph had a twin sister, Kathleen, who married a John O'Meara of Birr. Their nephew, Anthony or Tony Hogan, is living in Birr today and is a retired teacher.

    I found the following in the 1911 census:

    Residents of a house 7 in Rosmore (Drummin, Galway)

    SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified IllnessesYears MarriedChildren BornChildren LivingCanningMichael46MaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo ClareNational Teacher and FarmerRead and write-Married-1898CanningMatilda46FemaleWifeRoman CatholicCo Galway-Read and write-Married-1898CanningMary Ellen17FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningJohn12MaleSonRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningAnne Bridget13FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningRoger Joseph10MaleSonRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningKathleen10FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningMatilda8FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningAgnes Mary6FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo GalwayScholarRead and write-Single----CanningThomas Francis3MaleSonRoman Catholic

    I can't quite follow the part about your mother and Nora, your grandmother.

    Are you Canning yourself?

    And your mother married Roger Joe and Nora's son? Nora raised her and then your mother ended up marrying Nora's son??


    Hope the above helps



    IrelandXO Portumna






    Monday 5th Nov 2012, 05:43PM
  • Hi Dolores


    Thanks so much for your reply. 

    I am not a Canning.  My father's last name is Eck. 

    My grandmother Nora Heany married Joe (Roger) Canning.  They had a daughter Katie Canning who is my aunt.

    My mother Mary Anne (born out of wedlock) is from a previous relationship Nora had before meeting Joe.  Joe helped raise my mom, though and is looked upon very fondly by both women.

    Did Joe have any other cousins you know of?

    Kevin Eck

    Monday 5th Nov 2012, 11:46PM
  • Hi Dolores


    Thanks so much for your reply. 

    I am not a Canning.  My father's last name is Eck. 

    My grandmother Nora Heany married Joe (Roger) Canning.  They had a daughter Katie Canning who is my aunt.

    My mother Mary Anne (born out of wedlock) is from a previous relationship Nora had before meeting Joe.  Joe helped raise my mom, though and is looked upon very fondly by both women.

    Did Joe have any other cousins you know of?

    Kevin Eck

    Monday 5th Nov 2012, 11:46PM
  • Hi Kevin,
    Just came across your query (first time I've ever visited the site)
    I am a son of the John Canning shown on the 1911 Census posted by Dolores. I knew Joe and Nora well and as I was working close to University College Hospital, where Joe died, I was a regular visitor towards the end.I frequently met Kate during this time but never met your mother as she had gone to the USA by then. We understood that her father was an American serviceman posted to England during the war.
    I can give you information on all or any of the people listed if you are interested.
    Best wishes,

    Monday 3rd Dec 2012, 09:39AM
  • Hi Bill

    Wow.  That's very interesting.  I'm not sure the timeline for my mother's father lines up since he would have had to have been stationed in London in 1934.  She was born in 1935.

    I'd love to pass your name on to Kate since we still keep in contact.  Were there any Cannings who emigrated to America?  Also, my mother mentioned a male first cousin of Joe, but can't place the name.  Any idea of who he may be?

    I will probably have many more questions, but I'm grateful for you responding. 

    Great to hear from you. 

    Monday 3rd Dec 2012, 10:49PM
  • Hi again Kevin

    I sent a reply (or thought I had) but it does not appear on the site.

    Perhaps you could contact me at as I do not find this site the easiest to navigate.

    Best wishes,




    Friday 7th Dec 2012, 08:37AM
  • Hi Kevin.

    Imagine the surprise when I found all the correspondence regarding your Canning connections. I am the Tony Hogan mentioned in the various emails. My mother Anne Bridget Canning was a sister of Joe’s. She married Con Hogan and they had three sons - myself, Conor(RIP) and Frank who lives in Rosslare.

    I met Joe and Nora possibly back in the late ‘40s when they visited our home in Rossmore near Portumna. Forward in time to the middle ‘60s when I was in London. One evening a number of us met your aunt Kate in a Greek Club where we had a super time dancing to the music. That was the last time I met Kate and have been wondering about her whereabouts ever since.

    Now and then I meet Bill who lives in Derby and enquire about Kate. I gather she is a well known children’s book illustrator. I was speaking to Bill’s sister Hilda in Listowel this  morning. She is off to the Canaries on Saturday. I can’t see from the emails where you live. Are you in the US or UK? If the latter we shall make every effort to meet up. If in the States, you sure will have cross paths with Piers Morgan who is Kathleen’s grandson. His father was Vincent O’Meara who had a dental practice in Dorking and died about 1964. His mother remarried  a Morgan. I heard Piers declaring on CNN last evening that he was an Irish Catholic! So that puts it up to you!

    Hope you have enough to be going on with. There is so much more. Your mother must have some interesting stories of London times. Is she still with us?

    My wife is Margaret from near Thurles (Heaney territory) We have two daughters Nuala, living in Birr and Ann in Dublin. So when you come over you will have masses of relatives to call on. That’s an invitation. Would love to show you around

    Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 04:59PM
  • Tony,

    thanks so much on following up (thought it was an amazing coincidence that we just met a couple of weeks ago and now this connection!)

    Kevin is in the USA - if you click on his user name 'producrc', you'll see this.


    Dolores (Portumna)

    Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 05:16PM
  • I can't thank all of you enough for the information.  The Piers Morgan connection made my boss laugh.  We write about the TV industry in the US and all have worked in the news business in one form or another for years.  He's tryig to get Piers for an interview and now wants me to approach him on the premise we may be related.  Very funny.

    Tony, thanks so much for joining in.  

    I assume you all (William, Tony and Dolores) all know each other.  I should plan a trip with Kate to visit.



    Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, 01:56AM
  • Hi Kevin,
    I hope this is going on the right thread, but I called home today and my mother was talking about Nora's daughter and wondering what happened her, so I GOOGLED and found this post.
    My name is Mary Heaney, originally from Thurles.  I think Nora was my grandaunt, all I know is she went to England, became a nurse and had a daughter.  I never heard there were two daughters but that's not unusual in Ireland if one was born out of wedlock.  Her brother Dennis Heaney was my grandfather, he died very young (36yo).  If you think this is right I'd love to get in touch.
    This is my first time on this site so not sure how safe it is to leave email.

    Tuesday 18th Mar 2014, 08:25AM

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