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John Gallagher married Ann McNamara in Knockainey on February 9, 1850 with witnesses James Riordan and Margaret McGrath. Their children born in Knockainey: Anthony in 1851, Michael in 1852, Mary in 1853, and possibly Catherine in 1857. I think the same John and Ann had a son Thomas baptized in 1855 in Glenroe and Ballyorgan and a daughter Helen in 1859 in Ballylanders.

John was a national school teacher in Glenroe, Ballyorgan, and Ballylanders in the years when their children were baptized there. I am trying to learn whether or not the John Gallagher and Ann McNamara whose children were baptized in Knockainey are the same couple. In Griffith’s there was a John Gallagher living on National School grounds so it seems plausible. John, the teacher, is part of my Gallagher family that settled in Kilcruaig and Houndscourt, Limerick. I would love to find a family descendant. Anthony was a McNamara name so I think their oldest son was named for Ann’s father rather than for John's father, particulary because that name does not run in the Gallagher family. Because they were married in Knockainey parish, I think Ann probably came from there. I cannot trace this family after 1858 when John left his teaching post in Ballylanders. I have been able to access school records for Glenroe and for Ballylanders but have no way of knowing IF John was a teacher in Knockainey, and IF he was the one who married Ann McNamara and later taught in Glenroe, Ballyorgan, and Ballylanders.

I would appreciate any help at all. Thank you, Jan



Thursday 1st Nov 2012, 02:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jan

    Thanks for your message. We'll see if we can find anything which might help.



    Knockainey Community Council

    Wednesday 7th Nov 2012, 08:10PM
  • Mary, thank you VERY MUCH for your reply. I appreciate your trying to help. Jan


    Monday 12th Nov 2012, 02:31PM
  • Hi Jan,

    I believe my Anastasia Galla(g)her is the daughter of John Gallagher and Ann McNamara. She married Timothy Mahoney in Melbourne Australia in 1878 and has the same info on her marriage certificate.

    would love contact,


    Monday 21st Oct 2013, 08:55AM
  • I have sent an email and hope you are able to get it. I am concerned about spam now coming onto this site. I have found a message to me above yours that refers to a page on writing an essay, which has nothing to do with genealogy. A web page is given. I am assuming this is spam. When I see "Gai Guy" as your name, I am wondering if this too is spam so I am hesitant to give my email address. I do have a great deal of information on this extended Gallagher family so I am hoping you can clarify whether or not this is a spam message. Jan


    Monday 21st Oct 2013, 12:13PM
  • understood. No my real name is Gai and my husbands surname is Guy so yes guess what --- email me on



    Tuesday 22nd Oct 2013, 12:05AM
  • Timothy Mahoney/Mahony married 10 Aug 1878 reg no 3260 Victoria.
    Tim is listed as 22, a farmer of Melbourne born Ireland. Witnesses were Kate Mahoney and Dominik(us) Bruggman. father is listed as James Mahoney and mother Bridget Keane.

    Anastasia Galla(G)her listed as age 26 occupation domestic. father is listed as John Gallaher, teacher and mother as A---- McNamara.


    John Gallagher married 9 Feb 1850 RC CAtholic Parish of Knockainey and Patrickswell, Ireland. witnesses James Riordan and Margaret McGrath He married Ann McNamara

    children are baptised in the same parish:

    Anthony 1851, witness/sponsers are:John McNamara and Anty McNamara

    Michael 1852, witness/sponsers are: Edmond Woods, Mary Walsh

    Mary 1853, witness/sponsers are: David Heelen, Ellen McNamara

    Thomas --- I can't find but Steven Smyrl did

    Catherine 1857, witness/sponsers are: Patrick Carroll, Ellen McNamara

    Helen Galahue 1859 RC Ballylanders - witness/sponsers are: Jn Martin, Ellen McNamara

    I am looking for Anastasia or Anne Gallagher born to this couple but can't find the baptism.


    does this help?


    Tuesday 22nd Oct 2013, 12:15AM

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