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I am looking for any records for the family of John Barnett b. 1678 in Derry, Ireland.  His children were babtized in the Derry Cathedral, Templemore in the early 1700's.  John and his brother William and their families went to Pennsylvania, United States in about 1730.  John is the son of William Barnett, who was born in Derry, Ireland about 1641 and died about 1709.  William's father was another William who was born in Scotland about 1600 and died in 1652 in Ireland.  I think the original William may have been part of the Transplantaion of Ulster.  I have had problems finding records in Ireland on line that go back far enough for me to trace the ancestors of my 6th great-grandfather John, the first of my line to come to America.  Does anyone have any suggestions for on line research links that might help me?


Tuesday 30th Oct 2012, 09:28PM

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