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Looking for the Marraige record for John Bourke and Bridget Bourke in 1898 In Murroe.

  • Mother and Father?
  • Sponsors?


david brown

Friday 21st Sep 2012, 04:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • There is no marriage for John Bourke and Bridget Bourke  1898

    however there is a marriage for John Bourke and Bridget Mc Carthy  10 june 1898 sp Michael Geary and Anne Hayes

    mother and father dont appear on the  church marriage records  but fathers name  does appear on the civil records 

    all births marriages an deaths had to be recorded after 1864 since as this occured after this  you can get the marriage record from the general register office .

    i have also look for possiblilities in the parish records but can confirm

    John b 25 jan 1868 to Patrick  Bourke and Margaret Moloney

    John b 30 may 1877 to  James Bourke and Mary O'Brien



    Friday 21st Sep 2012, 11:30AM
  • Hi


    How do I access the Civil records to find the Father?

    • Did John and Bridget have any children?

    david brown

    Friday 21st Sep 2012, 03:32PM
  • Hi


    Is there a marraige record for James Bourke and Mary O'Brien?

    • Mother and father?
    • Sonsors?


    david brown

    Friday 21st Sep 2012, 08:59PM

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