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My Great great great Grandmother Fanny Shoebridge married Richard Clarke.  They had a daughter Catherine Clarke born in Portumna 1819.  Catherine married Godfrey Taylor in Portumna on 7 September 1841 in Portumna, they then went to live in Tipperary where 4 children were born Richard, Elizabeth, Fanny and Ann. Between 1850 and 1852 the family arrived in Melbourne, Australia where 2 more children were born.  Godfrey died in 1860 and Catherine in 1904, both in Victoria, Australia.  I don't have much more information, but I would like to be able to find more information on Fanny Shoebridge and Richard Clarke.  Does anyone know if Shoebridge is an Irish name?  I would appreciate any feed back and clues for the Shoebridge and Clarke names.

Many thanks






Sunday 26th Aug 2012, 05:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dianne,


    There are a number of articles on the Shoebridge family in Ireland, Freemans Journal 1763-1924

    There are also more up to date articles in the Connaught newspapers including 2012 articles.




    Sunday 26th Aug 2012, 11:17AM
  • Dianne,


    The Shewbridge Family are still living around Portumna - neighbours of mine - have a look also at


    Mike Feerick

    Monday 27th Aug 2012, 07:39AM
  • Good Morning Diane


    Just to let you know I have emailed our volunteers in the Portumna area and also the surrounding townlands with regards to your genealogy query. I have also spoken to John Joe Conwell, local historian in Portumna, and he knows a gentleman in the area with the surname shewbridge. You can email John Joe Conwell on


    Best of luck with your research.



    Wednesday 29th Aug 2012, 10:51AM
  • Hi Paula


    Thanks so much for your email.  It is very exciting to hopefully get on the trail of the Shoebridge/Shewbridge family. I will email  John Joe Conwell and see how he can help me. 


    Kind Regards

    Dianne Bates

    from wet and cold Wellington, New Zealand

    Monday 3rd Sep 2012, 07:57AM
  • Hi Mike


    Thanks for the email. Is it possible that your Shewbridge neighbours would be willing to correspond with me regarding my ancestors?, Or if they don't have access to the internet would they be willing to give you the details.

    Kind Regards

    Dianne Bates

    from wet, windy and cold Wellington, New Zealand


    Monday 3rd Sep 2012, 08:04AM
  • Hello Dianne,

                These are just a few interesting references to Shoebridge/Shewbridge of Portumna. I hope they are of interest and help to fill in some of the missing pieces.


    Christy Cunniffe.    

                Firstly; look up the Landed Estates database developed and managed by Dr Marie Boran and Dr Brigid Clesham of the Moore Institute at NUI Galway. You will be able to see an image of Oakley Park, Portumna which it is thought that Anne Shewbridge owned. You will also be able to see the entry part of which I have quoted here.


    The entry reads; ?In 1856 Anne Shewbridge was leasing a property in the townland of Gowil, parish of Lickmolassy, barony of Longford, to John Cunningham. Local sources suggest that a William Shewbridge served as a Church of Ireland curate in Portumna in the 1760s while genealogical sources note a marriage in 1779 between a Mary Eyre of Eyrecourt and a Mr. Shewbridge.?

                Secondly; Michael MacMahon has a reference to the setting up of the Connaught Rangers regiment at Portumna in his book Portumna Castle and its Lords (1983), pp23-24. He has an early reference to a Henry Shewbridge on page 24 where he notes that; ?In the Connaught Journal  of September 25 1793 a notice proclaimed: ?All spirited young men desirous of entering into the Royal Regiment of the Connaught Rangers are desired to apply immediately to Capt. Henry Shewbridge at Portumna ??

                It is worth checking if this is the same Henry that is mentioned in the Landed Estates database as leasing lands in Clarary from a William Doolan (Nov.14 1788).  ?nd also to establish his relationship to the Henry who is the Church of Ireland curate in the1760s.

    Wednesday 12th Sep 2012, 08:09AM

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