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Interested to communicate with anyone who has researched the castle in Clare at Kilkee, Kilkee Upper, or Kilkee Lower, aka Kilkee castle and the pre-1850 families that have lived, and worked there. If you have further details or know how to find more details on any given individual(s) and their residence or business workers, for that particular location. And not the obvious, often written about, individuals.

We wish we could give you a more precise time frame, but the reference we are following is rather vague for a general post.

Therefore, does anyone know who the local historian is for Kilkee castle, and particulary regards tracing certain individuals.

Is there a genealogist historian student or volunteer who specializes in Kilkee castle (locally based or otherwise)? Is there anyone else who would be familiar with pre-1850 residents,and perhaps paid staff or community dwelling workers, and the sources that might support such considerations, via parishoners, newspapers, community writings, journalists, socialites, or village chatter regards those families and/or affiliated?

Thank you.


Thursday 23rd Aug 2012, 12:39AM

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