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I found a record in the National Archives for Peter Dignan, Loughrea:

Born LOUGHREA, Galway.
Served in Galway Militia.
Discharged aged 22.
Covering date gives year of discharge
Kilmainham Reference: A4467
See film image 180

I believe this is the father of Patrick Dignan who immigrated to New Zealand that I posted about earlier this year. I contacted the archives and interestingly they don't think that this is an item that they own, nor could they tell me where I might find it. Does anyone either know about the Galway Militia and where I might be able to find this item or have some general knowledge of this branch of the military. Thanks for considering my question.


Sunday 13th May 2012, 09:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there.

    Many thanks for you genealogy message. Can you let me know further information. I need a date of birth if possible, for Peter Dignan, Did he serve in civil war, or what period was he in the Galway Militia.


    Tuesday 15th May 2012, 11:09AM
  • Hi Paula,

    This is the first evidence that I have found that Peter was in the military. I know that he must have married around 1810 because the first child that I can find of his (wife is Margaret Lynch) was born in Loughrea in 1811. His records states that he was 22 so he was born around 1790. By the way, the record was found in the National Archives in Kew:

    Sorry that this isn't very helpful! I still think that it is strange that this collection is in the archives but the staff aren't sure of where it really is!

    Thanks for your help!



    Tuesday 15th May 2012, 11:23AM
  • Hi Alison,

    I cannot help by providing direct information on your ancestor Peter Duignan but I can direct you to a very useful article on the history of the Galway Militia by David. C. Wilkins, entitled,  'Defence Prepared: The Galway Militia from 1793' published in the Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society. Vol. 50, (1998). pp37-48. This article gives a very good account of the forming of the Galway Militia and also carries some useful references that may lead you further in your immediate research. If you have access to J.Stor online library material you can access the article directly or you could visit the Society website and order a copy of the Journal. They may also be able to put you in contact with the author of the article David C. Wilkins who may be able to provide you with further information.  


    Christy C.


    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 09:15AM
  • Thanks Christy! I already have the article this morning because our library has access to JSTOR! This looks like a very interesting and informative read! Thanks again!



    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 11:39AM

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