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Thomas SEERY born circa 1828 in Roscommon joined the Royal Irish Constabulary

(RIC record 19/10/1853 to 23/04/1855 Registered Number 17083 recording he was a Catholic from Westmeath and shown to be 23 years old which suggests he could have been born in 1830.)

Thomas's RIC allocation was to Tipperary on 08/10/1853

Thomas left Ireland in 1860 for Australia and resided in New South Wales.

Michael SEERY born 05/11/1839 Castletown-Geoghegan (RIC member Registered Number 19351 although

RIC records Michael Seery Number 21758 an 18 yr old Catholic from Westmeath resigning 24/07/1860 "to emigrate" ) .

Thomas SEERY sponsored Michael to Australia where he arrived on the British Trident on 07/01/1861

Both Thomas and Michael joined the New South Wales Police Force in 1862

The parents of Michael are recorded as Michael SEERY and Anne COWLEY (DUBLIN) and only in recent years those same parents are also shown as also being Thomas's parents although I cannot find evidence that is fact

I have exhaustive records of their lives in Australia but I need some evidence of

1. parentage 2. where born 3. names/ages/location of siblings

I am the great grandson of Thomas and the Grandson of James one of Thomas's sons and seek further information

Tuesday 24th Apr 2012, 04:48AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi sir i am sorry about getting back to you so late but we are very busy here and we have a huge back logg to get though. I have make a list of sites that you can visit for for your seach. Good luck 


    AUSTRALIA: Have you checked the immigration records in Australia? Generally, more informationwas given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. The University of Woolongong hasproduced, on microfiche, a complete index and transcript of all information concerning immigrantsof Irish origin recorded on ships' passenger lists between 1848 and 1867. These are useful for findingout an exact place of origin as well as parents' names. The Public Record Office of Victoria has goodonline databases of settlers at Otherwise, other records may be found in theColonial Office Papers of the UK National Archives, class reference CO 201. This class contains a widevariety of records, including petitions for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, records of emigrants onboard ship, petitions from settlers for financial assistance and much more. The next thing you could do is find the counties and places in Ireland your family names are mostprevalent. Look at the website and perhapssomething will match some other clue you may have found elsewhere? If nothing turnsup ? it is advisable to try different variations of the spellings of the names. If you have a possiblefirst name you could try the Irish Census 1901, 1911 at or the landvaluation record called Griffiths Valuation


    Thursday 7th Feb 2013, 10:20AM

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