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I would like to get in contact with anyone who might have information on (or also be researching) the Goode / Good family in Ballinakill, Co. Galway, in the early 1800s.  My ancestor Bridget Goode (born ca. 1808-1816) married a Mathew Torpy / Torpey in Ballinakill Co. Galway about 1829, and they had six children in Ballinakill before he died. She was a Catholic. 

In 1850 Bridget Torpy (nee Good) and 3 of her children emigrated to Australia (New South Wales) as assisted immigrants on the "Lloyds"  (Mary (16), Michael (12), and Ann (10), and also Patrick Torpy (18), who was perhaps her nephew). 

Her other three children emigrated 3 years later in 1853.  On her shipping records, her parents are listed as Peter and Mary Goode, both deceased, and her native place being Ballinakill, Co. Galway. She had a brother Martin Goode.   

According to the Colonial Secretary’s correspondence in 1852 her three younger children Bridget, Catherine and Honora Torpy had been “residing with and in the care of Martin Goold, Bridge, Rossmore near Woodforde, County Galway, Ireland”.   I think he might have been the Martin Goode listed in the Union of Portumna in the Parish of Ballynakill in the Townland of Rosmore in the Griffiths Valuation Record (1856).  According to her nephew John Good’s shipping record in 1863 on the “Hotspur”, her brother Martin and his wife Maria had both died by this time.

Bridget married a Thomas Ford in Goulburn NSW in 1853, and had a further two children.

Helen Thompson (Australia)

Helen Thompson

Friday 6th Jan 2012, 10:33PM

Message Board Replies

  •  Hi, Helen,

    you have helped me before - I am a descendant of Bridgett Torpey - n?e Goode through her daughter Ann. I would like to clarify some aspects of the family tree & story with you if possible. For example, did Bridgett start the Torpey Inn in Braidwood as I have been informed. I can send photos of Torpey graves in Braidwood although I suspect you already have them. 

    Did Matthew Torpey come from Ballinakill and what did he die of? Do you have further information about Peter & Mary, Bridgett's parents. 

    Regards, Don Barry, Brisbane.


    Sunday 4th Mar 2012, 07:42AM
  • Hi Don

    Bridget Torpy (1808-1885) did not live in Braidwood in the Colony of New South Wales, only Goulburn and Mummel, so I don't think she had anything to do with starting the Torpey Inn in Braidwood.

    I don't know whether her Torpy children from her first marriage, or nephews Patrick, Michael and Peter Torpy (sons of Patrick and Mary Torpy of Rossmore, Co. Galway) had anything to do with starting the inn.

    I am descended from the children of her second marriage to Thomas Ford in Goulburn NSW in 1853.

    I don't know what Matthew Torpy died from, or when (other than 1847-1850, presumably in the Ballinakill area).  Perhaps some other descendents of the Torpy family who may still be living in the Portumna area might be able help us with researching this matter.

    I don't have any further information about Bridget's parents Peter and Mary Goode, other than that they died before 1850, presumably in the Ballinakill area.  Her brother Martin Goode and his wife Maria apparently died sometime between 1855 and 1863, in the Rosmore, Ballynakill area.

    Kind regards

    Helen (Australia)

    Helen Thompson

    Tuesday 6th Mar 2012, 09:43AM
  • I have just found the records of the 3 Torpey children who arrived on the Talavera arriving in NSW, 6 Sept 1853. Bridget was 10 yrs, she married John Michael Tiernan in 1866 at Braidwood and she is the great grandmother of my husband (on his mothers side) I have a lovely photo of Bridget and husband John Tiernan taken in 1908. I have only just found this site and was very pleased to find out all the information written above. We live about 2 hours from Braidwood.

    Kind regards

    Helen Tinnock (Australia)

    Friday 31st Aug 2012, 04:02AM
  • Hi, Helen,

    Sorry it has taken so long for me to continue this conversation. 

    In July we went down to Braidwood - we live in Forest Lake, Brisbane - and met the new owners of the Torpey Inn.

    We've tried to do this on three previous occasions but without success.

    This time we succeeded and spoke to him for a while.

    He is keen to cement the Torpey connection and maybe even sponsor a Torpey reunion. Obviously this would have commercial advantages for him (people using his motel and local publicity) but could be a great opportunity for Torpey descendants to get-together and maybe produce a history of various branches of the family?

    Would you be interested?

    Finally, if you would trust us with your direct email it would be much easier to keep in touch and exchange information.

    Our home email is


    Don Barry,

    Descendant of Ann Torpey (gx2 grandmother) and Bridget Torpey (gx3 grandmother) -  through gx2grandmother Ann McKay (nee Torpey's) daughter Catherine Ellen McKay, my great grandmother.


    Tuesday 9th Oct 2012, 04:20AM
  • Hi Helen and Barry

    Thanks very much for your comments.  I am interested in being kept up to date with any Torpy reunion in Braidwood.  I would also love to see a copy of any photos of any of Bridget's children.  I have one of her son John Ford and his wife Maria Jane Hughes.

    My email address is

    Kind regards


    Helen Thompson

    Tuesday 9th Oct 2012, 07:41PM
  • Hi Helen,

    My name is Diane Becker and i am a decendant of Maria Goode who lived in Goulburn NSW . She was my Great, Great Grandmother.

    My email is



    Saturday 15th Feb 2020, 06:55AM
  • Hi Diane

    How nice to hear from you. I will contact you by email.

    Kind regards


    Helen Thompson

    Saturday 15th Feb 2020, 09:31PM
  • Helen Tinnock, if you are following this post, could you please contact me by email. My email address is  There is a family researcher from the Torpy line in Braidwood who would like to get in contact with you.

    Kind regards, Helen

    Helen Thompson

    Thursday 17th Sep 2020, 09:53PM

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