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I think I found on your site - but I've since been unable to find it again, a photo of Pallas Castle (from the opposite direction of one included in Google Tynagh photos).  I'd like to use it in a photo gallery in a small genealogical description of my Nevin family (11th century Tynagh Nevins are the earliest of historical record), a publication unlikely to be requested by more than 25 people, I would guess.  Is this your photo (I can send you a copy if that would help)?  If it is, may I have permission to use its image in this way?  Thanks for your consideration here.

Hugh Nevin

Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 02:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Hugh,

    I'm not sure that the photo you are talking about is, but I expect an admin from the Tynagh parish page will get back to you as soon as they possibly can.

    If you have a link to the photo, I can put it in the main part of the message above, which will make identifying who owns copyright on it much easier.

    Thanks for your query.

    The Ireland Reaching Out Team.

    Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 02:42PM

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