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Hi Listers,

I am only new to the list today.

I am descend from Bridget (Biddy) Madigan who was from the Tulla area.    She was born about 1836 to parents unknown.  

In her death notice it said she was the niece of Dean Henshee and Captain Bridgeman of County Clare.

She was in a Workhouse in Tulla at the age of about 16 and she was rounded up as a group of girls and women to be bought to Tasmania , Australia  in 1851 to be wives and servants for male convicts who had finished their time/sentence.   I presume that perhaps her parents were deceased and that she was alone in the world.

She was assigned to Samuel Dale because he had children to care for after  his wife had died.

Bridget married Samuel in 1856 in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia and went on to produce 7 children as well as care for Samuel's other children.     I am descend from one of Samuel and Bridgets children.

Is there anyone on the list who can shed any light on this subject.

Cheers    Robin Walker (Mrs)  Tasmania, Australia

Monday 1st Apr 2013, 05:25AM

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