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My second great grandfather John Tracy b. 1819 in County Clare emmigrated to Montreal about 1825 with his parents Patrick and Ann Tracy.  He married Mary E. Butler of Montreal, though Irish descent, her father was Henry Butler I think.

John and Mary had seven children Catherineb. abt 1850, Richard b. 1852, Patrick, John b. 1861, Nellie, Mary, William and Ellen.  The first three were born in Canada, the rest in Henry and/or Dupage County, Illinois.  They were Roman Catholic.  Several are buried in St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery in Lemont Illinois, including my great grandfather John Franklin Tracy b. 1861, and His wife Anna Laughlin Tracy.

Anna Laughlin is the daughter of Thomas Laughlin b. abt 1819 in Ireland, and Ann Maher Laughlin b. 1825 in Ireland.  Nearby in DuPage County, Illinois also lived the Thomas Maher and Margaret McDonough Maher family and their three sons, all of whom were born in Ireland.  I suspect the families were neighbors or fellow parishioners in Ireland

The Laughlins and the Tracys were farmers to begin with in Illinois.


I have desperately searched for my Irish families, including a visit to Corfin in 2012.  Because of the times when the Tracys left there were few records.  I am ready to return to Ireland to look for the Laughlins and Mahers.

I would love any help you can spare.


Thank you,

Donna Turner Schulze


Tuesday 26th Nov 2013, 06:18PM

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