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Looking for information on Henry Burke (Bourke) born approx. 1774 who married Elizabeth (Eliza) Cavanagh (1781).  I know that they had children named Henry, William, Robert, Thomas, James and Letitia (there may be more). The family either reside at Minmore House or the surrounding area, Shillelagh, Wicklow Co, Ireland.  The family (not sure if all or part) came to Canada and settle in the Oso Twp, Frontenac County, Ontario.  Any information will be appreciated as I'm very anxious to continue my 'family' journey.  Thank you.


Sunday 17th Nov 2013, 11:51AM

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  • Hi - Thank you for your message. Some resources for County Wicklow genealogy/family history include:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support


    Friday 24th Jan 2014, 11:35AM
  • I am researching the Hopkins family who obtained a lease at Minmore in 1777, as did the Burkes.

    I am GUESSING but your Burkes must descend from the followin;


    A lease had been obtained to commence in 1777 and was in the name of William Burke, on the life of his son Henry, about age 3.

    About 1820 a William Burke married Sarah Hopkins, sister to Nicholas Hopkins of Minmore. He mayt have been a son to Henry above and grandson to the original leaseholder as he and Sarah secured the 73 acre holding following the death of William

    Tuesday 14th Nov 2023, 09:56PM
  • Further research suggests that Henry Bourke c1774 of Minmore married Mary Parker and had children named as you posted.

    I think he remained in Ireland.   The Henry who went to Canada with Eliza could be another Henry.   Can you provide further detail?  Is that family listed on Ontario Census records for instance?

    Also, the Bourke who married the Sarah Hopkins may NOT have been a William as I suggested.   Sorry


    Saturday 30th Mar 2024, 03:46AM

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