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Daniel Beatty lived in Kilcarra, Co Wicklow with his wife Jane Smith and 5 children.  They moved to Canada in 1818 and left behind his brother John Beatty / Beattie married to Eleanor with their 6 children, John, Alexander, Michael, Margaret, Harriet and unknown in Shelton, Co Wicklow.  John was in the militia and retired to Shelton.

Looking for records of Daniel and Jane's marriage which was believed to be in Arklow although it appears they attended church at Old Kilbridge.  John and Eleanor, their son Michael and grandson Thomas are buried in Old Kilbride cemetery.  Also any records of marriages, births, death that might also help identify their parents or other family.

Son John Beattie and his wife were teachers and moved to work in a school near Newry.  Suspect the draw there might have been other family.

Daniel owned land in Kilcarra.

Any suggestions or help in look ups greatly appreciated.


Saturday 14th Jan 2017, 01:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Charlene:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Arklow RC records start in 1817 (baptisms) or 1818 marriages   Kilbride records start in 1820 thru 1837 and pick up in 1858 and arre available on Roots Ireland (subscription site).I was unable to find a marriage record or baptismal records for Daniel's children. Likely because records are not available.

    I searched the 1825 Tithe listings for Arklow and Kilbride parishes and did not see any Beatty/Beattie records.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing? Possibly you will match someone who has more info on your Beatty family in Ireland.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 14th Jan 2017, 02:45PM
  • Roger

    Thank you so much for that.  I should have mentioned that we are CoI which doesn't make it any easier.  I really appreciate you doing that for me.  I have just sent in my DNA testing and should get the results in about 8 weeks and am looking forward to that.

    I have recently had a cousin from Scotland contact me and she is a direct line from John Beatty (my gggreat uncle).  When John's son Michael passed away his wife, Jane Sherwood, moved to Liverpool with some of her children to find work as things were very difficult for her in Ireland.  I seem to be finding that a couple of more of her children joined her. 

    Thank you again.


    Stittsville, Ontario, Canada

    Sunday 15th Jan 2017, 02:12PM

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