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hello out there! 

I am hoping someone can give me some advice.. After years of searching I have finally located my father's family, going back to the late 1700s. The baptism and marriage certificates that I have mostly say Killaveney and some say Crosspatrick, one says Hacketstown. I realize these are pretty much all in the same area, but I am a little confused as to how far apart they are from one another. In addition, there is a book written in 2002 that contains memories of family life in Crosspatrick, and specifically mentions some of my family. I plan to visit there (with my husband) at the end of March - will be using public transportation from Dublin airport and am hoping to take taxi cabs to get around in the local area. I would love some advice as to where (What town) we should stay in that will allow us to visit the area and get to know the locals. any advice would be appreciated! 




Friday 18th Dec 2015, 11:33PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello,


    Your parishes are in and around the market town of Tinahely so I would recommend staying there or ir nearby.   Kilaveney Parish is just on the outskirts of town.  You may want to check the extent of public transporation and consider renting a car as the surrounding areas are very rural.


    What is the name of tjhe book you mentioned and how can I access it?   I had Hopkins, Farrar Legget ancestors in and around that area.


    Ross Hopkins


    Rossland BC

    Sunday 20th Dec 2015, 04:57PM
  • Thanks again.


    thank you for your reply.

    The name of the book is "Crossbridge, the old town in the bog" by Helga Mullen. I've tried to get a copy but it is no longer available. A very distant cousin scanned some of the pages for me, which is how I found the information. With regard to the rental car, my husband is now 78. Rental car companies put a cap on rentals at age 75. I don't want to drive, so we will just make do with what wan can. I have been in touch with a b&b in Tinahely, I was hoping it would be the right place to stay. I am also hoping she may know someone who could drive us around for a fee... Still working on that! 




    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 02:26PM
  • Hi Again Carol,


    I have just reread your earlier messages, and given the parishes of Kilaveney and Hacketstown, I am going to assume that your ancestors are Roman Catholic.   My ancestors were Protestant, but there has been some intermarriage, but mainly in more modern times.

    The Priest at Kilaveny has the old Parish Records and will show you his transcription of the same.   HOWEVER, I would highlt suggest that you convince him to let you look at the originals (always a better idea, but in this case especially so!).   I am particularly looking for the origins of a JAMES HOPKINS C1788 who married a BRIDGET BRADY sometime around 1800 (I couldn'd find a marriage record...perhaps it was at Hacketstown).   They baptised a number of children at Kilaveny.   They lived at Whiterock, near Strathnakelly and I suspect that James was originally a Protestant from Strathnakelly.   Later they lived at Upper Fairwood near Tinahely.

    In the course of your wanderings, would you be kind enough to keep an eye out for the following names and let me know what you find:


    LEGGETT (Legate etc)





    Monday 28th Dec 2015, 04:06PM

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