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Looking for Wyse/Wise connections in the area south of New Ross. My great grandmother was Mary Wyse (1840-1893), daughter of Patrick Wyse (1790-1865) and Catherine Murphy (dates n/a). Mary married William Keilthy and they worked for the Doyle family who bought Brandon House. The Wyse family are descendants of the Palatines who came to Ross with the aid of Abel Ram in the early 1700s. Any info or connections appreciated. Liam


Saturday 15th Nov 2014, 04:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Liam

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed your query to a volunteer who will be in touch with you shorty

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 18th Nov 2014, 02:05PM
  • Hi Liam,

    I'm sorry to have to say that the only records that I can find is the Griffith valuations for Patrick wyse in Slaght , Old Ross.  These can be seen on

    I have searched for baptismal and or marriage records for all parties named but to no avail.   When I went to the Wexford genealogy centre on this site and looked at the actual records available, I was shocked to discover that there are so few yet uploaded.   Many of the parish records have yet to come online.  I think you may have to actually contact local churches and hope they will share the information with you.

    So sorry that I can't be of any assistance to you.

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Tuesday 18th Nov 2014, 04:22PM
  • Anne, I really appreciate yourand Clare's  help on this. My real hope is that a decendant of theOld Ross  Wyse family with an interest in family history will read this and get in contact. Liam


    Friday 21st Nov 2014, 06:48PM
  • Hello Liam,

    Did you find out more information about this family? I am also researching the Wyse family. My gt gt grandmother was Mary Wyse (1840-1897). I believe she was the daughter of Patrick Wyse and Catherine Murray. Mary married Simon Byrne in New Ross in 1863. The witnesses to the marriage were Catherine Murphy and Francis? Byrne.
    Patrick and Catherine's daughter Elizabeth was born the following year and some time between then and when my grandfather was born in June 1868 the family moved to Liverpool.
    I have found the following children of Patrick and  Catherine listed in the NLI records: Catherine x 2, Mary x 2, John and Agnes. 
    I will be visiting Wexford in September and am hoping to find out more about this family.


    Sunday 30th Jun 2019, 06:03PM
  • Kathyrn,

    Lovely to hear from you. What a facinating hobby family history is with all of the dead ends and wonderful revelations we come across along the way not to forget the many interesting friends and relations that we knew nothing about.

    I suspect we have a mix up here about Mary Wyse (1840-1897) - there must be two ladies of same names and similar ages because one of the marriage records on shows Mary White age 24, a servant, of Ballylane marrying William Keilthy age 24, a servant, of Ballylane in Cushinstown in 1868 - they are my great grand parents and they are buried in the Irishtown in New Ross. This record shows her father as Patrick. There may be more than one Patrick.

    'White' is the literal translation of the German 'Weiss' and Weiss is the root of the family name Wyse. (I assume you know of the Palatine link?)

    The repetition of the childrens names your research uncovered for Patrick and Catherine may indicate that the first child died and the next one of the same sex was given the same name, common practice here at the time.

    I have not looked at this tree for some time but my records show children as Mary (1840), Johann (John) (1842), Agnes (1846) and Catherine (1848). I did not pick up an Elizabeth in 1842.

    When you are here a visit to Terrarath cemetery may be worth while as there are Wyse graves but I think most of our ancestors in this area are buried in unmarked graves and records are difficult to find.

    On the face of it we must be related so please let me know if I can help in anyway. My email is

    Your 'not too distant' cousin in Dublin





    Monday 1st Jul 2019, 09:02AM
  • Thanks for replying Liam. I hope we can find a connection between our families. I didn't know anything about the Palatine link, but thanks to your message and Google I do now and am fascinated to know if that is where "my" Wyse family originated.

    I will email you some of the information I have to see if we can find a link between our families.

    Best wishes



    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2019, 02:40PM
  • There was a Wyse family in Oldcourt until 1990. Thet may still be there. The father was Willian, known as Bill. I grew up near Oldcourt. I knew Bill Wyse and I would think he was birn about 1900 to1915. There may still be a Wyse family there. Oldcourt is about a kilometer from Slaght mentioned by Anne Dennehy above.



    Sunday 2nd Feb 2020, 01:18PM
  • This is likely completely unrelated but has been a puzzle for some time in my research.

    I am descended from the family of Francis B Glascott of Whitechurch. I have a copy of the family tree done for the family by another member - John Henry Glascott of Dublin Castle and Burke renown. 

    In that tree he has John of Aldergate Glascott (1600-1656) married to Susan Turner. They have a son Sampson Glascott in 1625. All of this takes place in London England before the Glascotts came to Ireland in 1649. BUT in the notes about Samuel it says that Sampson Glascott was "Godson and legatee of Sampson Wyse London  in 1663".

    I have no idea how these families tie together or why John Henry Glascott thought the Wyse reference worthy of mention in the 1800's but there must be some connection.

    There is also a grave for a John Wyse in Whitechurch. He died 1820 at age 77. I do not know how HE ties in either!!

    Would be delighted to solve the mystery and/or help in any way possible.


    Ann - in Canada


    Monday 3rd Feb 2020, 04:09PM
  • Ann,

    Good Morning and Greetings from a lovely spring day here in Dublin. It may be helpful to your analysis to differentiate the two Wyse family groupings from the south east corner of Ireland. 

    Bonaparte Wyse family of Anglo Norman extraction ie arrived in Ireland in the 12th century are clustered around Waterford city and are unrelated to the Palatine Wyse family of Old Ross.

    Palatine Wyse family originate in modern Germany from where a large group migrated in 1709 ie long after the Glascott Wyse record you refer to. A small group of these Palatines ended up in Gorey in Co Wexford on the estate of Able Ram MP and some of these later moved to Ram lands in Old Ross. 

    It seems highly likely that the John Wyse in Whitechurch is from the Palatine family and is unconnected to the Glascott Wyse family.


    Hope this helps.




    Tuesday 4th Feb 2020, 11:02AM
  • JimBob,


    Thanks for that info. 

    There were clearly several Wyse families in the Old Ross area and they are all undoubtedly connected through their Palatine origins.

    I know of Billy Wyse who lived and died tragically in Slaught where his wife still lives and farms.

    The Palatine Wyse families intermarried and their decendents can undoubtedly be found throughout that corner of Wexford.

    I am hoping that one of these days a Wyse from that area with an interest in the family history will get in touch. 


    Many thanks for your response and input.




    Tuesday 4th Feb 2020, 11:08AM
  • There were a number of Glascott families in the New Ross/Whitechurch are. they were landlords and were a wealthy family. Some of them lived in Piltown on the Barrow river south of New Ross. Whitechurch graveyard is unusual in that the church is Protestant and the protestent graves are on the left side and the larger Catholic section is on the right. It is unusual for both to be buried in the sane cemetry.



    Tuesday 4th Feb 2020, 12:59PM
  • Thanks for that - helo=ps to know that there are 2 lines!! Eliminates possibilities - maybe!!


    Wednesday 5th Feb 2020, 05:03PM
  • Jimbob,
    thank you for the information on the Wyse family of Oldcourt. My 3x great grandfather, Patrick Wyse, lived at Olcourt. He is listed under Oldcourt in the Tithe Applotment Book for Wexford, 1823-1837 and was living there in November 1838 when his first child was baptised. I believe he may have been a groom and I know there are still stables there today - in fact, I think that's all that may be there.

    thanks for posting the information you have and the connection with the Glascott family. I have no idea if our families are connected but I'm hoping I'll be able to make sense of all these snippets of information one day!

    BTW, for those who have had their DNA tested, there is an Irish Palatine Genealogy group on Facebook. It has over 400 members now and by using the GEDMatch site, you can check which other members you are related to.


    Thursday 6th Feb 2020, 09:26AM

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